chapter 49

866 33 45

Sorry yall it's been 2 week already im dying!! Sorreh :<


Luffy + Y/n vs. The Marines

3rd pov

"Ace, we are coming for you! We are here for you!"
With Luffy as their inspiration, the other pirates fight back with renewed vigor.

"Ace, im coming for you!" Luffy jumps off Whitebeard's ship and runs ahead making y/n scurry behind him.

"Guess i need to use alot of my blood to back up his ass!" Y/n mutters with a groans. She activated her blood manipulation while she's at it.

"--Pops! Luffy!... Y/n..?!"

"Gum-Gum... Bazooka!-- Get outta my way!" Luffy punches some of the marines away ahead him.

When y/n sees a group of marines tries to attack Luffy, she hurriedly slits her palm without any thoughts left with her pocket knife, she yelps gritting her teeth before shape-ing her blood to a bow and an arrows.

Her left eyes shut close, as the other eye squints aiming for the marines. Some of her arrows pierced through some marines heart and without wasting any more times and bloods, she aims at the iced block ground to break it.

"Watch your legs bitches!!" Grins y/n with a wink before catching up with Luffy.

"--Watch out, the ground is breaking! It's because of that witch like person did it!!"




"--Oh my god! You..! Takes them up before they drown!" Commands the upper to the lower before he turns to glare hard y/n's back.

"--Who the hell is that bitch?! Using her owns bloods as a weapon? Definetly a psycho!" He grits his teeth, thinking of a resolution.

"...Aims the gun at her! She's trying to backing up that infamous Monkey D. Luffy!! Kill her by any means as she also wants to save Gold Roger's son!!" Yells the upper rank Navy commanded to the marines while pointing his index finger to y/n directions.

Y/n glances at the back when she heard a ruckus of marines calling out her name, though she knew it's because of herself getting the marines attention but that doesnt stop her from moving forward.

"They really doesnt know when to give up, huh?!" Y/n eyes twitch annoyed. She manages to avoid a few bullets but because of her steps mistakes, one bullet grazed her left arm and another bullet go through past her back body skin.

She low shouts at the sudden pain. She slowly touches her back and bring it front of her just to see a fresh blood on her hand.

Y/n's jaw drop, slightly trembles seeing the blood. Veins of madness protruding in her side neck as her lip curve in annoyance look.

"Fucking extra bitches..!!!" She screams out of control which takes Luffy attention. Luffy gasps seeing y/n's eyes who seem weird and dilated.


"Y/n..!" As Luffy about to run to y/n, marines keeps on swarming him taking his focuses away. He fists his hand, punching the marines away.

Y/n extendes her right arm to her right, making the marines flew away from the blow. She did the same to her left while breathing hard through her nose.

"--S-sir. S-she seems different--"


"--Yes, sir..?"

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