chapter 3

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Becoming one of the straw hat's crew

Y/n pov

"... Oh. You are Luffy the pirate !? The one who is the captain of Going Merry ?!" And he nodded as respond. I blank stare at him as i couldnt believe my eyes.

'so if i be with them, doesnt that mean that im going to stay alive? Thinking about how Maddy said that he is someone who loves his crews. Hmmm.'

' Atleast, if i die, maybe he can takes a revenge for me'
My mouth gape open as im thinking of the way to survive in a world of pirates.

Iam in my own space and agreed to my own decision to be one of his crew.
"Hey luff-.... Ahh!? Where is that guy?!" I panickly looking around finding any of his shadow.

' Damn it, i cant lose this once in life time chance. I dont want to die for a fucking second time!!' i groan before hurriedly running around. But, then i stop on my track thinking that if Luffy the captain is on this island.

Then, that's mean... TINGG!!

Small bulb lighten on top my head as i smirk to myself. Laughing loudly not noticing it grab others attention who looks at me weirdly.


3rd pov

"Arghh that Luffy- where did he went too?!" Said the short orange hair to the other crews and looking around the ship.

"He was suppose to wait in the ship right? I guess, he's gonna run along shouting 'meat' 'meat' on the way." The long nose sigh tiredness knowing his captain will not hears anything they tells him.

"Zoro- wait. Where is Zoro ?!" The girl said again only to get a wide eyes from the crews. "Arghh, that dude will get lost again. Chopper and Sanji, try finding him okay. I will be waiting here with Robin and Usopp. Go !" She barks.

"Okay nami san !" "Orait, Nami swann~ i will go now~ byee Robin chwann~ Usopp put you lufe in lines for Nami swann and Robin chwannm" said the tornado legs man before changing his attitude cursing at the two guys who made Nami mad.

"I will kick marimo head the moment i see his head this time." Said sanji while fisting his fist.

The yellow haired man and the reeindeer then starts to devide places to search for them.


Y/n pov

I walk around the place on the same time looking for any ship looking like Going Merry in the photos on the google.

'nope. Not that ship... Wait- is there even that kind of ship exist, the fuck !?. Woahh wait- the ship looking pricey-'
I thought to myself looking at ship lining on the sea water.

Shaking my head as i have been distract by the ship as its my first time seeing one in my own eyes, i suddenly heard someone shouting for a name i had heard in my past life.

I quickly run to find the source of the voices.
"Luffyy... Zoro... Where are you guys?! Its time to go back to the ship!! Luffyy ?!"
I saw an animal walking while cupping his mouth with his hooves maybe to make his voice louder?

" Is that a reindeer ?!" I snorted out before rushingly run to its direction making the so called animal flinches at my sudden appereance.

"Ahh-" he yelps. He open his eyes looking at my face with his small fisting hooves on the air.

"W-what- what do you w-want ?" The lovely reindeer acts strong.

"Emm heyy little reindeer, where are you going?" I smile sweetly at him to take the information out of his mouth by my sweetness.

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