chapter 55

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A/n: This chap is crazily long cus i need to finish all of the OP pre-timeskip eps hahaha!

If there's any typos, please let me know so i can correct it ASAP. Im lazy to reread it again only to find a new typos💀

Happy reading my love!<3


War is over!

3rd pov

As soon as Luffy's out of control that he fainted, Jimbe grabs him, Y/n and Ace in his arm before he passes Ace to Marco saying that Ace could still be alive.

"Keep that as a secret, since y/n san, here, is the one that saved him. I can feel their impuls still beats, so..."

Marco nods his head as happy tears coming out of his eyes as he holds onto Ace unconscious body.
"I-I know, i know, i-i will protect Ace this time. Please tell Miss y/n my thanks and how grateful iam." He says his thanked, running and passing Ace to the crewmate who's running away to their ship. So that Ace will be in a safer place because Marco still decided to look after Whitebeard back.

With that, Jimbe continues back running from the war with Luffy and Y/n under his each arm.

'My feeling havent changed at all, Ace san! Im not helping him because he is your brother! I have high regard for Luffy kun! That is why...!' Jimbe thoughts as he glances down at Luffy and then Y/n.

'As for y/n, i saved her because i thought that Luffy will be sad if i didnt save his friend' He thoughts once again.

"Jimbe! Get on this ship!" Some pirate called Jimbe to get in their ship before a trickling sounds could be hear as the sea turned into iced. "What's this?!"

"--Damn! He froze the sea!"

"--We cant leave!"

"--Hurry up and do something! It's Admiral Aokiji!"

"--Stop Aokiji!"

"I have no choice! I'll look for another way!" Says Jimbe, trying to run off before halts himself, looking at the sudden cliff.

Down below the cliff, Akainu gets back up, continuing his chase of Luffy.
"When i say that i wont let you get away, why dont you give up your life, you fool!" Says Akainu to Jimbe. "Hands Dragon's son and Cha Y/n over to me!... Jimbei!"

"I cannot do that! Because I have already made up my mind... to save his life even if it means death!" Replied Jimbe, mad yet calmly.

"Alright then, i wont ask you again!" Akainu prepares to fight with his magma. Jimbe low growls at his action.

Fortunately, Akainu is stopped from going after Luffy and Y/n by Ivankov and Inazuma.
"Keep your hands off Straw boy and y/n chan!"

"I will kill Dragon's son and that woman for sure!"

"Hell... Wink!!"  Desperate to protect Luffy, Ivankov fires a Hell Wink and believes that Luffy has gone off the deep end since Impel Down.

One more mistake and Luffy would die. If that were to happen, Ivankov could never face Dragon again.

"I have no time to play with you guys right now! So back off, you two!"
Akainu insists that Ivankov and Inazuma step aside, but the New Kama Queen tells the former that he is one fire.

Meanwhile, Back at the Blackbeard Pirates, they lift the black cloth and Teach shows his darkness powers and his newly gained quake powers.

"Im the strongest man in the world!!" Blackbeard announced as he evilly laughs.

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