chapter 26

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Saving Hatchin

3rd pov

Chopper and Usopp take a swim while Zoro exercises in crow nest thinking how he should be the one sacrifing himself instead of a woman.

"--Damn, Zoro. My friends would literally fall in love with you, even if they glances at you for just a spilt second." Y/n mutters, looking up at Zoro who ignored her.

How in the world can someone weightlifting that shit, anyway?!


Meanwhile, Nami checks on Robin, Brook and Luffy's progress in the water. The skeleton swordsman reports of a monster in the water and requests to Nami the kind of panties she's wearing but she threatens him.

"What kind of panties are you wearing, today?"

"Shut up! Be serious about this!!"

Chopper internally, "scary!!"


Nami begins to worry about how to get to Fish-Man Island, just as Shark Submerge III emerges. Luffy shows he, Brook and Robin had no luck searching for the island just as the Sea Rabbit strikes again.

"Woahh!! Its the thing from before!" Luffy screams seeing the Sea Rabbit.

"It followed us back!"

Luffy uses a Gum Gum Rifle to punch the sea monster, but then it spits out a mermaid and a starfish.

"It spits out something." Said Sanji.

"Huh? A fish?"

"Thats a..."

"It... It couldnt be!" Sanji open his arm wide with his love-like-eyes.

The mermaid lands on Sanji while the starfish talks on how he survived. The mermaid shows excitement for the cook saving her, but the starfish insists he go back into the Sea Rabbit's mouth.

"Hey, not that it matters, but you are sitting on something." The starfish point below her.

"Huh? Gah! I crushed a human! Im sorry! Are you okay?!" She shakes Sanji shoulder.

"..oh, no, its okay... More importantly, are you..."

"--Please snap out of it. Are you okay?"

"Is that... A tail fin?" Usopp wonders.

"No way... Its really..." Nami stop for a sec.

"... A MERMAID?!"


The mermaid look behind, noticing the crews before making a horrible horrified face in surprised.
"That surprised me! Look at all the humans!"

Luffy stutter, not understanding what she meant.

Chopper walks infront of her.
"We are the one who are surprised!

"Oh,...Thanks for saving me when i was about to be digested. Im such an easy target for sea monsters to eat..." She thanked and explains her reason.

"That was about the twentieth time."

"You get eaten too much!"

The mermaid tilt her head, thinking she needs to do something to repay the crews.
"I know! Would you like some takoyaki?"

Luffy's starts drooling, "Takoyaki?! That is my favourite!"

"Really? Okay, that will be 500 Berries per person!"

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