chapter 51

945 38 16

3rd pov

Y/n's thoughts>>

My head hurt soo bad... Ugh! What's happening to me? I cant open my head wait--

I did open my eyes but why it's so dark in here?

Am i in hell? Nahh i dont think so...

Someone please help me! I cant open my mouth, too! I cant scream!

This place are soo dark and silence... Im.. im scared..

What did i do to be in here..? H-help s-someone please tell me that you're also here with... me...

I dont want to be alone...!






*Gasp sound*

"Haa haa, y-you...! God of Reincarnate?!" Y/n huffs, grasping her chest while pointing another finger at the God who looking down at her by squatting.

He push aside y/n's bang that's covering her eyes with his delicate finger. With his cheek laying on his palm, he sighs.

"Y/nie... Im so happy to meet you again but you're not?" He asks and now his shinning eyes meet with her e/c eyes.

Y/n keeps on silence.

" must be confused, am i right?" The God says before standing up and walks to his throne. "Follow me."


The God looks back when y/n didnt respons to his commands.

He rolls his eyes, shaking his head at y/n's stubborness. With a mutter of chant under his breath, y/n let out a short yelps when she's suddenly in air and moves towards the throne's stairs.

Y/n growls low at the God with a glares but didnt mutter any words.

The said God is now letting out a whines at the akwardness.
"Y/nnn.. dont be like this please.. Ask me something, anything..!" He half pouts while swing his legs back and forth on the throne's seat.

Y/n gives him a look at his childishness. She sighs with annoyed look plastered on her face.

The God pouts even more when he hears y/n mutter curses at him.


"Shut up." The God seals his lip together in silence.

"... Why am i here..? What happen to Luffy and Ace..?! Take me there right now!!" Yells y/n to the God.


"Dont be stu***! You can talk now, ugh!" She rolls her eyes and reluctanly sitting down on the carpet.

"Cha Y/n... You're now suddenly attracks to the anime that i chose for you, huh?~" Teases the God to the scowls girl who wants to bite him.


"Okay okay, chill, chill..." He says while pushing y/n face away with his hand to prevent her from bitting him forreal.

"First of all, you know that i knew the future ahead, right?" He asks and y/n nods her head once like a nice student.

"And you know that i knew what will happen to you presents and future, right?" Y/n halts for a seconds before nodding in agree.

Before she can opens her mouth to argue, the God speaks first.
"That's why you're here because you need to be reminded about your position right now!" Y/n flinch seeing his stoic face.

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