chapter 75

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3rd pov

"Is it some kind of living thing?" Asked Zoro as they all see how the slime like monster spewing fluids of small size 'slime' nonstop to the air.

"Omg, let me go!" Cried y/n, whined at the end as she punch Zoro stomach who's locking y/n on his body. "Dont touch me, omg Lucifer takes me with you!"

"Shut up, woman!" He tighten his holds more with a scoff, annoyed.

"I dont know. I've never seen such a thing." Said Sanji while gritting his teeth to held in from kicking Zoro's ass.

"Me too."

"Im so stunned, my eyes popped out  of my head... But i dont have eyes in the first place... Yohohoho!"

They all seems to stunned seeing the pink reddish monster.
"Quite a strange thing..."

"Doing quite strange things..."

"Let me go...!..the fuck?" Y/n gasps when her attention turned to the monster who's spitting his slimes fluids a little bit too high. "Oh sheet, is it coming down at us?!"


"Eh? Ahh!" Brook and Sanji try to run while Zoro stayed in his place. They all halt from running when the slime fall to the snow ground.

"What is this?!"


"Bitch ass ofcourse it's disgus--" y/n covered her mouth after cursing out at Sanji. "Ehem! I mean how about you guys find his body already?!" Y/n pointed out at the samurai then to the lake infront of them.

Zoro snorts at her attitude before putting her down on her legs carefully.
"Right. That thing seems weird but we should hurry up." Zoro spokes.

"I dont know if it melts your clothes but you might not wanna touch it." Warns the swordsman again. "The fish are dying from the fluid that it dropped into the lake."

"It's like it's made of toxins." Y/n states suddenly and this caught Sanji interest. "And if nothing is done, the poison will spread all over the lake." Y/n glances at Sanji knowing he's the one that is gonna swims down this toxins lake later.


"Then, samurai san's torso will..." The samurai grits his teeth, frustrated. Brook and the samurai shocked seeing Sanji suddenly taking off the gloves he wores one by one.

"D-Dont tell me you're going in, Sanji san?!"

"Do i have a choice? It's my personal mission!" He said with a serious face before taking off the coat that covers the body. "Im Sanji, im a man! I've got to do it!"

"Sanji san!"

"Do something about the Slimes behind you." Tells Sanji.

Y/n and Brook curious and looking back before they both shrieks surprised.
"Kyaaah!! Copies of the Slimes?! When did they get here?!" Y/n walks back slowly.

Bohoo! Im not ready for this, help!

"Sorry Nami san. Im better at swimming than anyone else." Sanji sighs. "I'll try to get out of the water before it causes damage to ypur beautiful body!" He said his promises before jumping in the lake.

"Please be careful!" Shouted y/n and Brook at the same time.

Again, y/n shrieked when she looks back at the copies of Slimes.
"The Slimes are coming toward us!"

"What should we do about it?" Asked Zoro.

"Yeah, what should we do?" Brook repeated.

"I dont know, im out..." Y/n mutters, sitting down lip jutting out, pouting.

The Sudden Adventure X One Pieceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें