chapter 59

885 34 17

Setting out for the New World!

3rd pov

"Hurry up, y/n chan, Luffy!" Sanji runs off as Zoro thanked Reyleigh for everything.

"Well then, Reyleigh... Im going now!"

"Yes sir! Thank you and bubyee my lovely, caring Reyleigh san~!" Y/n winks and blow him a kiss before running off and almost tripping over in the process.

"...I hope we meet again in the future, Cha Y/n, haa."


Zoro sees that the Marines went around so as to catch them but Perona appears after two years with her Negative Hollow ability and used it against the marines.

"What are you still doing here?" Asks Zoro quite rudely.

Perona flies close to his face.
"You cant talk to me like that! I bought you back here! If it were'nt for me, you would be...

"Lost!" Y/n completed Perona sentences with a laughs after. "Homie got scolded by his most closest friend, huh?" Y/n wriggles her brows at the fuming Zoro.

Perona stops nagging at Zoro when Sanji suddenly sniffs her.

Sanji asks if she is a real woman, her negative ghosts defeated Sanji.
"Iam sorry, iam... scum..."

"Pfft-" Y/n snorts and at the same time Chopper arrives on a big bird to take them to Grove 42.


At The Thousand Sunny.

"By the way, i dont see everybody here yet." Asks Brook after getting a kicked from Nami. (Ifykyk)

"Oh yeah." Robin answered. "Chopper went to pick them up.--"

"--Heeeyyy!!" They hear Luffy's screams from above coming toward the ship.

"Here they are." Says Franky.

Luffy, Y/n, Zoro, Sanji and Chopper arrive at the ship.

"Luffy san! Y/n san! I missed you two so much!" Cries Brook, while waving his hand.

Meanwhile, Franky who's taking off his black sunglasses to look at them all.
"You guys sure do look stronger!"

Usopp cries and laugh happily. "We all got together again!"

When Sanji looks at Nami and Robin his nose started gushing blood and it become worser when he realised that y/n is sitting next to him which made him fell into the sea.

Y/n flinch as she let out a cursed. "What. The. Fuck. Sanji?!!" Y/n eyes follow Sanji that soon fell into the sea.

"That's disgusting!" She spats as soon as she steps on the coated ship.

Usopp rescues Sanji and Luffy is admiring Franky's new body.
"F-F-Franky, you're...!" Luffy eyes beam with light.

The Marines come and they are shooting at the Straw Hat Pirates and then the Kuja Pirates came and intercepted the Marines.

The crew is impressed when they see Boa Hancock. Sanji turns to stone and then becomes upset at Luffy because he went to Amazon Lily and befriended Hancock.

"Damn... It's not fair...! It's not fair...!" Sanji bangs on the wooden floor with jealousy.

"Though, she treated me quite unfair, hmph!" Y/n sulkingly says, remembering the moment she had in the island. Luffy giggles looking at her silly face.

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