chapter 31

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3rd pov

After landing on the Sabaody Archipelago, Y/n and the Straw Hats begin searching for a man Hatchan knows who can coat their ship, so they can continue onto Fish-Man Island.

At Grove 41, Franky and Usopp fill up with some cola with Sanji also staying on the Thousand Sunny.

"That are some loads of cola... Damn." Y/n seems impressed by the way she looked at them.

She scratches her chin, thinking, "Such a waste of"

"Anyways, lets all four of us go when we are done!" Usopp keenly told them.

"No. Im gonna wait for someone to come back and then go shopping." Sanji rejected his offer.

"Huh? How come?" Usopp whimpers in confusing.

Sanji tells them that he plans to wait for Nami while guarding her treasure.

Y/n chuckles at Sanji responds being a slave of love. Soon, she flinched when she saw Zoro disembarks and heads to town by jumping beside her to the ground.

"Oii, Zoro!" Usopp shouts.

Following with Sanji. "Earth to Zoro kun!"

"Where are you going all by yourself?!" They shouts along.

Zoro looked back.
"Huh? Just for a walk..."


"Dont you dare, you damn bastard! You always get lost!" Sanji scolds from
afar with his sharp teeth appeared as y/n nods her head vigorously.

"I aint gonna get lost!" Zoro barks back saying how could anyone get lose on such straightforward island.

He point his thumb at the three numbered.
"All these trees are numbered!"

He then explain again with a slight cockiness.
" Worst case, even a kid could make it back by asking for directions!"

"...damn that cocky.." y/n winces fakely at his 'smart' thoughts.

"... I know right..?" Usopp agreed.

We will all fucking see later, Zoro..

"Anyway, dont worry, i will go with him." Y/n grins, makes a thumb up as she followed Zoro right after, ignoring Sanji called.

Meanwhile, Zoro first thinks the grove is number 1, which is not it.
"...#1. Okay."


"They can mocks me all they want. I will never get lost on these islands!" He scoffs turn to a groans when he felt someone jumping behind his back.

He is about to push the person down before he heard a similar voice.
"Zoro ^^ !"

Y/n sang a song his name which irritated the swordsman.
"Get down, y/n." He commands which y/n can feel his glares even they are not eye contact.

Y/n huffed, "aww, too bad :<" she gets off but instead links her arm with his, to make sure he wont lose his way.

The pulls arm game between Zoro and y/n's made Zoro click his tongue annoyed. He let the girl cheer out happily and let her do what she wants.

"Damn, woman. Tch!"


On the other side, Hatchan tells the Straw Hats that the World Nobles are also known as the Celestial Dragons.

Hatchan also told the crew about how the Colestial Dragons wear masks so that they do not breathe the same air as the common people.

Additionally, he tells them that Sabaody is crawling with famous pirates, bounty hunters, and slave traders.

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