Scar ( Borusara Week 2024)

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Note: My entry for Borusara W
Week 2024
Day 3 : Scar


He had many scars- hidden and unhidden

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He had many scars- hidden and unhidden. Some on his own flesh, whilst some were inflicted on his heart by fate of his own- with time being its accomplice.

But if fate gave him fatal wounds, the time made them scars. And so, his body and soul was marred with countless scars- on his chest and back, on his shoulders and neck; even his dying soul and heart were not spared. He wore them all like medals of victory - not because of any pride but hewas coerced to do so. He didn't have a choice.

Did he ever have any?

A nomad on the mercy of his destiny - that was he. Maybe a futile vessel of an Ootusiki, but people like him never had any say when it came to fate. And so he went where the wind blew, or to the mountains that called him aloud. Many days were  spent in another dimensions; in another world. Like this, over time, he became indifferent as he kept on collecting many scars.

But not all of them were bad or cursed or painful. There was indeed an exception. Only one. The one he always found alluring whenever he saw himself as reflection - whether in a mirror of a small shop at the side of a crowded street, or in the waters of a calm lake. The one that made him proud of himself. The one that he often found his own reflection admiring -whilst his fingers ran through that coarse mark on his skin

Out of all his thousand of scars
That one was his favourite;
the one he wore on his right eye.

Whenever he found his calloused fingertips tracing through that bleeding scar, he let himself being transported back in time.

When he was merely a 13 year old boy- brash and unhinged. No dream. A promise made. Fate intervened. And there he came in between her and him. He saved her; protected- just like he promised. He looked at her as his name stammered out of her tongue. The next thing he knew was blood gushing in between his fingers.

Who knew that the same wound would one day turn into his favourite scar.

It was a medallion- a sign of his bravery and victory. Of a precious promise fulfilled. One thing he was so proud of; he could gloat about it - he did.

And above all - it was a sacred branding: her mark on him- making him hers. A reminder to the whole world that he belonged to her.

Only her.

But that didn't mean there were no days of doubt. There was one- where he was embarrassed or even ashamed of it.

It was ironic that it was the day when he met Sarada all alone - for the very first time in 3 years.

It was  night time. There he was - standing on the Hokage Mountain. Chakra sealed, he waited till he found her emerging from the shadows. The moon shone on her; revealing her ethereal being. He had seen her  2 times before  - but it was either on the battlefield or with eyes and ears around. But now they were safe and alone. And maybe that's why a sudden feeling of embarrassment washed over him- and he became concious of his lost eye. It became a defect- not so pretty little thing. At last, he could not make her love it. Could he?

Boruto avoided looking into her pretty shiny onyx orbs - before he felt her feather like touch on his bumpy scar. Almost a caress- soft and..... loving. Only heaven knew how much courage he had to muster up to finally  look into her eyes- only to be met with an unexpected emotion pouring out of them silently. It wasn't of contempt or disgust- no. Instead it was entirely something unexpected. Sadness and Guilt.

Confusion surrounded him- making him incapable to rationalize her emotions.

"I am sorry" Her sweet voice was painful." It's all because of me" A  stray tear left her eye- and now he hated himself for making her cry.

" Do... Did it hurt?"  The sadness in her eyes reflected the moonlight in his own orbs. She let out a sarcastic defeated sigh.
" What a stupid question! Of course it did!"

Rest of the words blurred in his ears as he felt her soft palm caressing her whole face lovingly.

She was worried sick for him. And he - he was in love with her.

He didn't register for how long her sweet lucious lips moved- or the words it uttered - until he got deprived of her sweet touches.

"Hn?" Boruto found himself being jerked back to reality. The only thing left to reminisce about was her fluttering feeling of touch.
Sarada went silent- which was uncomfortable. So he decided to speak.
"Well! This scar that you see" He said pointing at his eye "is my favourite" Involuntarily he let out a rare ancient smile.


"It is kind of my pride becau..." He halted. He looked at her. There she was- listening attentively, with anticipation in her onyx eyes.
The blonde bit his tongue. He didn't know why but no words were said afterwards . He just gave her a sweet smile as he took her in a soft embrace.

Not today - maybe never.

Not today - maybe never

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