Just for One Night - Part I

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Let's forget this whole world-

Just for one night.


Sarada sighed as she stood at the huge magnificent entrance before her

The Land Hidden among Stars

She couldn't believe it. She was one of those few lucky ones who were fortunate enough to steal a glance at this beautiful mysterious country. Yes, it was the same land nobody knew about it- or those who did once were no more to foretell its glory. And in truth, the Uchiha didn't have any clue what to expect but still, a little part of her was hopeful that the village would live up to its alluring name.

"It looks like a normal town to me"and there he goes. Uchiha side-eyed her comrade, none other than Uzumaki Boruto, who was (as usual) standing casually with his hands behind his head. She wanted to punch him hard into the ground for ruining the vibe again. But all she ever whispered was "Baka"- no way she would ever show him her vulnerable inner child, who was jumping up and down with curiosity and enthusiasm inside her.


Why? Because she was a proud Uchiha.

"This town must be good or else..." the 18 years- old Uzumaki thought to himself as he stole a small subtle glance towards his childhood friend, who was trying her best not to show her excitement as they entered inside the gates after the identification process. She might be good at hiding her feelings from others, for she was an Uchiha.

But not him.

Uzumaki Boruto was her childhood comrade and (hell to the yeah!!) knew every nerve of this stubborn girl beside him. He knew she was too proud to accept it, but she had some enchanting fantasies about this place. And in truth, he had too. This place had to be named "Hidden in the Stars" for a reason.

And as they came out of the doom-like tunnel entrance, to the main street, all walls and façades fell down in an instant and they both felt their jaws drop.

No doubt that the place lived up to its name; and maybe beyond that.

The twilight hour was over, and the stars adorning the sky above shone to their full glory. Like millions of diamonds etched into dark night sky. And a huge magnificent moon was like cherry on top. It was a sight to behold forever; a memory to cherish all their lives. And they haven't even seen the whole town yet. For a moment, the two awestruck shinobis looked at each other;

They were so glad to take up this joint mission with this beautiful village.

"Thank You for your contribution. The mission has been completed successfully. Please! Enjoy your stay in the town"the Kage of the Hidden Star Village himself praised the duo of War Heroes. "All the arrangements for your hospitality have been done in the nearby motel."

The Uchiha had never bolted out of any formal place so fast like she did from that building. Finally! Their mission was over and now they had a full night to themselves to explore this gorgeous fairytale town. She was so excited that unknowingly she was skipping pavements like a little child whilst dragging her blonde friend with her. The town was nothing less than gorgeous- the pavements were like those of medieval times made of antique stones. The roundabout was in fact a pretty delicate fountain with a beautiful statue; showing off the craftmanship of that gifted sculptor. The town's marketplace consisted of small shops of various kinds that was giving off a vibe of little fairy village. But, the most favorite part for Sarada was that all the shops and buildings were decorated skillfully with fairy lights- not just any fairy lights but the ones that sparkled like those stars above them, giving the illusion that the shops were actually decorated by stars themselves. It was so beautiful and so bright that it made Sarada spellbound-

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