"Can I tell you something?" she said. 

"Sure" I give her a nod and make a little bow towards her to enough to hear. 

" Will you also be my Pretty Protector in another life too?" she asked with pleading eyes.

"Of course, I will" I swiftly answered with huge smile.

"Are you Pinky Promise?" she puts out her hand from the blanket and gives me her pinky finger. I let out chuckles at her cuteness. 

" Promise !....for you I would Adie" I also put out my pinky finger and joined with her little one to make Pinky Promise. A huge smile suddenly appeared over face. 

"I Love you Jenni and don't break the Promise ...Ok?" she added.

"I will never break " I paused "And I Love you too" I said with huge smile and give a small peck onto her forehead. 

"Good Night Adie" I added before I walked out from her room and leave the door slightly open.

"Good Night too Jenni" she also softly called out from her room. 

Trust me Adie...I will always protect you and ...I will never break those Pinky Promise like them.

I walk up to my dinning table and take a seat again to finish up my stuff. It took nearly an hour to finish up my whole checking up all assignments. I stretch my hand and prepare for tomorrow morning.  It was nearly 9:30 pm  while I was standing in the middle of the kitchen to make a coffee. I have been in my Insomnia for nearly a few years. For that I have been having medic nearly a year too. 

There is no coffee in the kitchen shelf. So, all I have to do for now is to get to the Lexa's cafe and grab or have a cup of coffee. I tip toe and check up to Adie's bedroom. She was peacefully sleeping in her cozy bed. At that time, a small smile appeared on my face. Then, I slowly walk into my room and put on my Hoodie to go out. I check up the whole house to make sure Adie's safety and after that I swiftly disappeared from my apartment and walk up to Lexa's cafe. 

It was really nice that Lexa's cafe is only a few blocks away from us. It only took a couple of mins even if we take a Slow Walk. For midnight walk, I only put on my hoodie with bang hair. 

Jennifer's Outfit for Midnight Walk : 

"What a petty look Jennifer!" I mumbled to my own reflection when I walk through one of the shop and I saw my own reflection

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"What a petty look Jennifer!" I mumbled to my own reflection when I walk through one of the shop and I saw my own reflection . I shake my head in chuckles and run up to the cafe. I took out the key and find the correct one to open the door.

"I think this one!" i mumbled and use one of the keys. Fortunately, I took correctly and the door is open. I swiftly went into the cafe and open the full lighting. Then I slowly walks up to the counter and make a hot water to make a hot milky coffee. While I was making a hot water, I walk into my Workshop room and took a Sketchbook and pencil over my shelf and walk back to the counter again. 

We're in This TogetherNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ