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Eren followed Armin into GuitarBar. The place was already hopping. The two men had to squeeze in between quite a few bodies to get to the mezzanine area of seats where a small cluster of seats were roped off.

Eren gawked at Armin and pointed at the roped off area. "Is this you? Did you do this?"

Armin's eyes got big and he yelled, "What? Boyfriends shouldn't have to fight to see their honeys. You'll thank me when you see how good the seats are."

Eren scoffed and squeezed past the velvet rope. When he sat down he gasped. Levi would be directly below and in front of him. The view of Erwin was just as choice. He looked back at Armin whose mouth was puckered and his eyebrow up.

"Mmhmm, it's called thank you, bitch."

Putting his hands up in surrender, Eren laughed. "You're right. You're right. Who sat up here with you before I came along?"

"Everybody takes a peek. Nanaba, if Mike's singing, Moblitt, Isabel. It's perfect for everyone." Armin put his hand on Eren's arm. "But truthfully, I've always hoped that you'd be up here with me again someday. It's because of you that I'm engaged to the smoochiest teddy bear in the world. Plus, after seeing how Levi struggled to get sober, I want nothing but happiness for him, and if it's with you, it's even better."

Eren tucked the little man's head under his arm and squeezed him. "Thank you sweetie pie. I love you so much. And since you're my best friend, you should know that Levi asked if he could court me."

"Court you?"

"Yep," laughed Eren.

"Wait. Doesn't that mean?"

"Yes," said Eren.

"That's more than just dating. That has an end goal," said Armin. "Holy shit, I thought you guys were taking it slow!"

"We are. We're taking it very slow, but he wanted me to know that even if we're taking it slow, he's serious. I mean I am too. I know how I feel about him. That's not going to change regardless of how long it takes."

"Holy shit!" said Armin. "I thought you aren't supposed to get into relationships your first year if you're in the program?"

Eren crossed his arms and tilted his head, gazing at the place where Levi would be standing shortly. "That's an issue. He's been working with his sponsor about it. He said since it's already a set variable that will undoubtedly be a part of his future that it would be better to start working with it know just fold it into the mix. He strongly suggested that I start going to Al-Anon, so I can be as supportive as I can be for him, but also for me. And the fact that I already have my own therapist is important. We're going to go to his therapist too, so we already have a strong beginning."

"God damn, you sound so healthy. I'm so proud of you both for taking this so seriously. Honestly, you already have the tough stuff taken care of."

Eren smiled.

"But have you fucked yet?"

Eren laughed out loud and wrangled Armin into his lap, tickling him until he squealed. Breathless, Armin called for him to stop. "Holy shit, stop! I'm going to pee!"

People turned around to see the rosy cheeked sprite trying to gain his composure. "What?" It's a perfectly valid question!"

"No! We haven't!" said Eren, as he pushed the hair out of Armin's face. "We haven't even kissed yet, I mean, not really."

"How are you being so patient?"

"It's not easy, buddy. He's so delicious. But I know that it'll be worth the wait for that moment. The tension is killing me, and I doubt tonight is going to help," Eren said, gesturing with his head at the stage.

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