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The warehouse that everyone was talking about hardly looked like a garage band deal. An elevated platform stood at the far side opposite the door and couches, tables and stools sat in half circles in front. Everything was white and everyone had been told to dress in black. Like they really needed to tell a bunch of rock bands to dress in black. It was a moot point. Black was their uniform and everyone here stood out in stark contrast against the white. It was quite lovely actually.

Stage lights were turned upside down to create glowing pillars of white light, and pearly clear sheers created a backdrop for the stage. Eren was happy that Isabel had suggested he bring his camera. The warehouse was already set up for some kickass pictures.

When Eren initially drifted through the entrance with Isabel and Farlan, he tried not to look for Levi. But even in a room filled with everyone looking alike, Eren's gaze easily found him. He only looked for a moment. He was still pissed, and this was a wonderful opportunity to prove to himself that he wasn't tethered to this man who was rude, egotistical and tragically flawed. His speeding pulse belied his cool and calm exterior.

Isabel smiled at him and took his hand. "Stop brooding, Er." She reached up and stuck her thumb between his eyebrows to work the frown out. "Farlan, tell him to stop."

Farlan turned around and put his arms around Eren's neck, already starting to giggle. "Babe, quit brooding." Eren laughed and wrapped his arms around the man's lithe waist, as Farlan leaned in to kiss his cheek.

"I swear to fucking god, if Belles hadn't found you first," dropped Eren's voice. His eyebrows wriggled up and down.

"Well considering who his brother is, Er, I'd have to say you're a glutton for punishment," laughed Isabel.

"Hey!" whined Eren. "You're supposed to be making me feel better, right?"

"You're right...I'm sorry!" She jumped on his back and pecked his face until they all were cackling.

Approaching Eren smashed between Isabel and Farlan, Hange screamed, "Oh it's an Eren sandwich!"

With Armin not far behind her, he chirped, "What's going on?"

"We're loving on Eren" Hange squeaked.

"Ewwww," Armin sang. "He's got the worst kind of cooties."

Eren pulled Isabel off his back and got her in a gentle chokehold. "No I don't! I get checked a couple times a month." He waddled over to Armin, unbuttoning his pants. "You wanna check, little bit?"

Armin squealed and jumped behind Hange.

Over the crowd, Eren spotted Levi's eyes following the group, but quickly looked away. Taking Eren and Isabel's hands, Farlan suggested that they get a drink and find a place to sit. "We won't be up for a while."

Eren forced his eyes away from Levi. A band started to play on the makeshift stage, and people stood around grooving their heads, swaying and singing along. "Are all of these people in a band?" he asked Farlan.

Waiting to give his order, Farlan nodded. "A lot of them." He pointed to a group on the other side of the room who looked particularly non-band like. "It's not advertised, but a lot of agents and people in the business come here to pick up players that can tour with bands as back-ups or record on upcoming albums."

"Really?" Eren's eyes got big. "Have you guys ever been approached?"

Isabel answered, "All the time." She nodded towards Levi. "He does a lot of studio work for people."

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