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It took all of Eren's restraint not to speed on the way to the bar. The morning swirled in his head, on top of the nightmarish evening that went down last night. It was one thing to break up because he and Levi weren't in the same place emotionally. It was something altogether to think they were ending because Levi thought he'd fucked...of all people...Reiner Braun. How could he just believe that shit? He'd done everything to assure that Levi recognized his devotion. He couldn't and wouldn't apologize for his life before Levi. He'd be a fool to think that wasn't a quiet bur in his skin still. Seriously though, Reiner fucking Braun? They'd had an understanding that was the least desirable mother fucker on the planet, and for Levi just to buy it so easily was a testament to how unstable he was. Eren was worried. He had no idea which Levi he would encounter when he walked into the bar. He couldn't bear for this to be the way they'd end.

His heart stuttered when he pulled into a spot on the street in front of the bar. Right behind Levi's car. The man probably drove 100 to get here. He had time to know he was coming. Putting his head on the steering wheel, he tried to breathe and calm down, but waves of sadness and rage warred inside of him. He squeezed his eyes shut and turned off the car. Gazing at the GuitarBar entrance, he was assailed with memories, the birth of his love and fascination, and he wondered what could possibly have gone wrong when it all began so simply and primal. He knew. He fell in love. He was stupid and immature. This time would surely kill him.

He pocketed his keys and walked quickly, picking up courage with every step. He flung the door open and stepped in. He froze, taking in the whole room in slow motion with dust motes hanging in the air. On the stage were Farlan and Belles with their backs to the room, winding up chords, a sure rejection of the center of the room. At the bar, Nanaba was still in the action of drying beer mugs, looking worriedly at Mike, who sat tensely on a bar stool. Moblit sat with his head down going over order forms, and Hange sat at their drums peering at Erwin sweeping the floor. In the middle was a shaken swirl of black energy that rose from Levi, whose back was to the door, a forgotten heap of financial forms strewn across the table. The room took half breaths at most, and it suddenly made Eren very angry that everyone kissed this guy's ass.

Before he could open his mouth, Levi's voice roared in the silence, startling everyone in the room. "Leave!" rang in the air, making Eren's chest thunder.

When Eren didn't move, Levi again yelled, "Get the fuck out!"

Eren stood his ground, half out of terror and the other half out of rage. His back pressed against the glass door. Everyone looked at him pleadingly, thinking that if anyone could mitigate this behavior it would be him, but this proved to be wrong when Levi got up and turned around viciously, knocking his chair backward.

Levi stalked toward Eren like a cat. Eren's eyes filled with tears, and he shook his head. "You misunderstood," he said.

Levi paused and narrowed his eyes. "Do you think I could be so stupid? We break up and the next night your fucking Reiner Braun."

The whole room gasped, and Eren's eyes darted around the room. Everyone frowned at him, stung and silent. Quietly, Eren stepped toward him. "Reiner lied, honey. He was just fucking with you."

For a moment it looked like he'd gotten through to him, his eyebrows worried, but Levi shook out of it, raging into Eren's space. Eren took a step back. "You have been lying to me this whole time," Levi bellowed. "Just like... Shit!" he spit out. He crossed his hands against his chest. "I trusted you! I thought you were different."

Eren's self worth seeped into his body, and he leaned down to meet the other man. "Is it possible to admit that you'd rather believe I cheated on you than face your inability to have any kind of real intimacy in your life?"

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