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Hello my sweethearts! It's finally time to see more of the Survey Corps band play, with Levi as lead guitarist. This song, "Even Flow," by Pearl Jam, has been one of the songs I've been imagining Levi, Erwin, Hange, Farlan and Mike performing, for over a year now. I spend a lot of the time on his solo. I've attached the song, but if you just want to hear his part, it starts around 2:43. I hope you like it. Writing about the music being performed has definitely been challenging. Let me know what you think, please! Love Mags


Eren pushed through the doors of the GuitarBar just a little before ten, a wall of cold air hitting him. He shivered, his hands on Armin's shoulders, guiding the boy through the crowd. It wouldn't be this way for long. As soon as the music started, the stifling heat of bodies and electricity would smother the room. The empty space in his stomach fluttered. He'd been too excited to eat. The idea of watching Levi play made him dizzy with anticipation.

This time they decided to sit at a table above the main floor so that they could see better. Much like the first time, an unusual mix of pre-show music played, probably a direct reflection of the eclectic tastes of the GuitarBar employees. Black Pink cut through the din and made Armin shake his ass in the chair, recreating "Kill This Love's" dance moves perfectly. People around him watched like he was the main event, and a couple of people joined in, to the boy's delight. Eren watched in appreciation of Armin's sensual little body and noticed more than a couple of men, with their female dates, appreciate him too.

He noticed musicians coming out on the stage under the disguise of darkness. Eren had learned some of their names through Isabel talking about them. It was so exciting to be able to finally see her perform on a real stage with a real band. Peering in the shadows, it appeared Levi hadn't come out yet, but the huge, gorgeous blonde guy named Erwin had, and he couldn't seem to tear his eyes away from the little blonde minx riding the chair next to Eren like a lap dance. Just at the right moment, Armin threw a glance over his shoulder and winked at the man.

Eren choked at the look on Erwin's face...sheer terror and bashfulness...and grinned at Armin. "You little slut," he leaned over and whispered in the boy's ear.

"Don't you know it, honey." Armin smoothed his hair and pulled a tube of strawberry flavored lip gloss out of his painted-on Daisy Duke shorts. Watching the tall blonde like a hawk, Armin asked, "How many nights, my friend, before I'll be riding in that cowboy's rodeo?"

"I don't know, buddy," Eren laughed. "He looks like he hasn't been broken in yet." He glanced at the hulking guitarist. "Besides, he'd give a whole new meaning to railing."

"Hmmm," Armin shimmied his shoulders and smiled at the man on stage. "God I love a huge cock." He turned to Eren and thrust his tiny hand out. "Within a week. Ten dollars. Shake on it, bitch."

"Oh, you're on little Ms. Slutty Sells Seashells!" They shook hands vigorously. "Ten bucks he's still a virgin!"

"Aaaahhh!" Armin cried. "No fair! That's two separate bets!"

Eren cackled and held his stomach. He grabbed his water bottle and took a sip, looking around. Hange, the drummer, and Mike, one of the singers, appeared on the stage. A curly red head popped out from behind the curtains, and Eren could see Isabel looking around at the crowd. He waved wildly, and her face lit up like the sun when she saw him. "Oh, sweet girl," Eren mused to himself.

"Is that her, Eren?" Armin smiled. "She's just gorgeous," he said. "And trust me, I would know."

Eren shook his head at the boy and smiled. "I can't believe we found each other again after all this time. I feel like I won some kind of sweepstakes or something."

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