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Hello! Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love is coming along nicely. I so appreciate your love, support and patience with this process. It's very dear of you to give me the space I need to create. I will update every other week, so make sure the story is in your library to receive notifications!

Music is its own character in this story. Every song chosen is somewhere in the chapter and either supports the vibe and/or is performed by Levi's cover band, Survey Corps. I suspect there will be many more changes. Two thirds of the songs have strong guitar solos and will feature Levi playing solo guitar. In addition, Hange is on drums, Mike is a lead singer, Erwin plays "back up" or rhythm guitar, Farlan plays bass and is a lead singer, and Isabel plays guitar and sings lead, as well, and finally, Moblit plays piano, synthesize and sings back up.

Everyone who works in the bar must be able to sing at least one song to create the greatest variety of music covers to pull from. The only one who absolutely does not sing is Levi. I can't give you any information about Eren or any of the 104th and veterans, except that they will be front and center in this story.

I have this soundtrack on wherever I go. I imagine Levi and all of his friends killing it on these songs. Levi's character is strongly inspired by the four greatest guitarists: Eddie Van Halen, Slash, Jack White and Jimmy Page.

In fact, the story is dedicated to Eddie Van Halen who died last year. Van Halen was my very first concert, and it clearly changed my life. I never dreamed I would write a story with my favorite character playing his guitar solos, but the opportunity to combine two of my favorite loves was too irresistible.

For some of you, this music is "old." I understand that it's sometimes hard to relate to music that came before you. Can you enjoy this story without listening to the music? Absolutely! There are no rules. If you love music at all, you'll be able to share in Levi and Eren's enthusiasm.

Enjoy sweethearts! I'll see you soon! I love you! ❤ Mags



This wasn't the first time he'd gotten head behind a bar.

All the drunken rush pulled through him each time the boy swallowed thickly around him.

He was vaguely aware of the rain making its way through the fire escape. The Cure's "Fascination Street" bled from the bar above, and dogs barked in the distance. The revolving blue and red of a cop car's lights slid over the brick wall opening of the alley, but they were safe, tucked away in the shadows.

He glanced down at the boy in front of him, whose emerald eyes fixed their gaze on him, under fluttering long lashes. Levi reflexively curled his fingers in the brunette's hair.

The green-eyed boy moaned around his cock as he pumped his hips forward. God, he was beautiful.

Tipping his head back onto the slick wall, he squeezed his eyes shut. "F-fuck, kid," he gasped, as his hands gently jerked the boy's head forward.

Is it possible to smile with a dick in your mouth? This guy was fucking doing it.

In fact, he watched in fascination at the smirk on the kid's face as he flipped his tongue over the head of Levi's cock. Tilting his head, he twisted his hand up the base. Levi began to tremble.

The man slammed his back to the wall, his legs beginning to shake. He could feel his orgasm a mile away, moving and churning closer and closer to him.

The boy sucked him harder, moaning again, as Levi panted, his breaths becoming more and more haggard. He dared to open his eyes and look down once more.

The little fucker winked at him and dropped lower, taking him all in. Levi's head rolled to the side when he came. Sucking down everything Levi had left, the boy tossed him into the void, speeding up everything in his body...hanging him out to dry.

Afterwards, he held Levi's dick softly in his mouth until his breathing evened out, rubbing Levi's thighs gently.

It seemed like hours had passed since Levi arched his back off the wall and watched the world blow white. He had never...never been blown like that.

He looked down at him and watched him slide his dick out of that pretty mouth, folding it neatly back into his underwear.

The boy secured the button and the zipper of his pants, pecking it with his swollen mouth for good measure.

As he began to stand, Levi grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him the rest of the way, his open mouth waiting to thank him with a heated kiss. He could taste the salt in his mouth, the taste of himself, and he had to stop because he was getting hard again, and he was not going to fuck this kid into the wall. Not tonight.

Footsteps came down the wood staircase leading out behind the bar and a tall, lean kid stepped out into the mist. "Eren?"

"Yeah...over here."

So his name was Eren. Guess he should have asked before he put his dick in his mouth.

The young man turned toward the two and his eyes dropped down to Eren's wet knees. His face filled with disgust. "I didn't think you actually meant it. Jesus, Eren!"

Eren shrugged, running his hands through his hair, which had puffed up and curled in the humidity. He looked at Levi with a sheepish smile.

Wiping his chin with the back of his hand, Eren looked back to the other boy. "I told you, Jean...anyone who plays guitar like that deserves to get some compensation." He gestured back to Levi. "And have you looked at him?"

Jean huffed and shook his head. "You're a fucking whore." He went back to the steps to climb them back up to the bar.

Levi bristled in defense of this kid he didn't know, but didn't quite know what to say after that. Eren made it easy for him. "So, uh, I had a great time."

Shrugging his shoulders, he nodded. "Yeah. Really good." Levi raised an eyebrow. "You should register that mouth of yours, brat."

Eren's eyebrows knit together in a confused frown. "Brat?"

"Eren!" A bitchy female voice came down the staircase. "Let's fucking go!"

The boy rolled his eyes and his shoulders drooped. "I'll be right fucking there!"

Levi smirked and gestured to the door. "After you...brat."

As Eren crossed the threshold and climbed the stairs, Levi got a good look at his ample ass. God dammit. Not tonight.

Eren turned at the top. "Maybe I'll come see you play again."

Levi paused in the stairwell. "Uh, we don't ever really play here, kid." He leveled his gaze at Eren, giving him all the answers he needed.

"Thanks, though. You" As he started to walk away, he added, "You were great."

Levi didn't turn away fast enough to miss the deflation. But, it had to be this way. He couldn't be a dick, no matter how amazing those green eyes were.

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