Long Haul

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The next two days were the longest days of my life. I spent half of them at uni in an attempt to distract myself, making them full days from 8am to 6pm until I physically couldn't keep my eyes open and had to go home. Once home I didn't do much but rot in bed. I was so tired but the second I tried to sleep, I was suddenly very wide awake so instead of distracting myself, I spent the majority of my time thinking about Lizzie and the fact that I had messaged her eight times since I arrived back in Ireland and I had got a total of zero responses. I hadn't seen her at uni, I hadn't even seen her in town. In fact her apple location showed me she hadn't left the house once.

Despite what she may have said, this felt an awful lot like a breakup and I found myself trying to think of ways I could win her back or prove to her how much I really did love her. I scooped as low as instagram by means of contacting her in hope that she would see it, like or comment and we would be okay again.

 I scooped as low as instagram by means of contacting her in hope that she would see it, like or comment and we would be okay again

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She didn't like, comment or react.

After two hours I decided that I wasn't going to sit around anymore. She was probably fine and just ignoring me but when you don't hear from someone you love for over three days, naturally you start to get a little concerned. The bus simply wasn't fast enough so I ordered an uber and waited ever so patiently on the step outside my apartment, reading every single god damn number plate that drove past as I remembered the thought of flowers, watching an older lady limp past me with some. Quickly standing up and running after her in my crocs, oversized joggers and LA hoodie, she turned and furrowed her brows, trying to literally run away from me.

"Excuse me," I exhaled breathlessly, finally catching up with her, "can I buy those flowers off you?"

"They're for my date," she replied as she kept walking.

"Please," I almost begged, "I really need to aplogise to someone, but I don't have time to get any flowers and my car will be here in a few minutes and I really need them ... how much do you want?"

"Leave me alone," she spoke bluntly, still fucking moving.

"I'll give you €30," I continued.

She stopped moving and thought for a moment as I saw my uber pulling up outside my apartment.

"Please," I exhaled, "€40?"

Finally, she nodded and handed over the small bunch of roses and I handed her two €20 bills and kissed her cheek.

"I love you lady," I smiled, running towards the car that was waiting for me.

I arrived at Lizzie's house a mere 10 minutes later, there were a few lights that I could see shining through the windows, Lizzie's shadow moving around the kitchen as I took a few deep breaths and nodded to myself, fixing the few crooked flowers and knocking on her front door loudly: three firm times. I watched as she moved from the kitchen to the front door and stop with her hand on the door handle.

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