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'Your flight to London, England will be arriving at Heathrow airport in under five minutes.'

"Baby," I whispered, kissing the side of Lizzie's head as she hummed and nodded, slowly opening her eyes.

"Hey," she smiled softly, "are we in London?"

"Almost," I laughed out my nose, "how did you fall asleep in the hour flight?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "I was tired from last night, it's your fault if you really think about it."

"I told you we'd have to get on a plane in five hours," I giggled.

"And then you put your tongue inside me, what was I supposed to do?" she laughed.

"You asked me to," I smirked.

She shrugged her shoulders, "how far away is the hotel from the airport and how are we getting there?"

"Our driver is picking us up," I replied.

"Whose driver?" she yawned.

"My family's," I spoke slowly.

She sat up and furrowed her brows, "what do you mean? Your family has a driver?"

I laughed out my nose and nodded, "he's taking us to the apartment."

"What did you book?" she asked slowly, our plan hitting the ground as everyone started clapping, "why are they clapping?"

"Because we landed," I giggled, "I have a small apartment in Soho, we're staying there."

"You have an apartment in London?" she checked, "how much money do you have?"

"It's not really mine ... well technically it is but it was my Grandad's, he had a lot of hotels in Turkey and Cyprus and when he died, I got a lot of the fortune but I'm not rich perse" I replied, "I do however have a small home in London ... and a cottage in the south of France."

"How have you never mentioned this before?" she laughed.

"It's not really something you bring up on a first date," I giggled.

"It might be something you bring up after dating someone for 6 months though?" she smirked.

I shrugged my shoulders, "it's not my fortune so I don't really think about it. I don't get any financial help from my parents for uni or my place in Ireland, it's all money that I've saved up."

"Why would you not go to school in London if you have a place there?" she giggled as I stood up to grab our hand luggage from the overhead department, passing it down to her.

"Because I wanted to get as far away from my parents as I could," I laughed out my nose, "come on, Happy will be waiting for us."

"Is your driver called Happy?" she smiled wide, following me off the plane as I held her hand toward where the gate was.

"His name's Harold but I've always called him Happy," I replied, swinging our hands between us, "we have a day to walk around and explore London, the wedding's not till tomorrow afternoon."

"Can we go to Camden Market?" she asked brightly.

I nodded, "I'm going to show you where sixteen-year-old Y/N/N used to hang out."

"How exciting," she giggled before squeezing my hand and nodding towards Happy holding up a sign that read- "I assume you're Lady Y/L/N?"

"That would be me," I laughed, smiling towards Happy when he clocked me and lowered his sign to take me into a hug.

I dropped my girlfriend's hand and hugged him back before pulling away and shaking his hand professionally.

"Happy Hogan, its lovely to see you again," I smirked.

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