Last Christmas

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In my heart is a Christmas tree farm
Where the people would come
To dance under sparkling lights
Bundled up in their mittens and coats
And the cider would flow
And I just wanna be there tonight.

Sweet dreams of holly and ribbon
Mistakes are forgiven
And everything is icy and blue
And you would be there too.

I groaned and opened my eyes to Lizzie dancing into her bedroom with a Santa hat on and two mugs of coffee, Taylor Swift blasting through every speaker around her house.

"It's Christmas!!!" she beamed, putting the coffee down and laying on top of me.

"Good morning," I yawned.

"Morning," she smiled, pecking my lips, "I've been up for an hour."

"I can tell," I laughed out my nose.

"Is it time for presents yet?" She asked, brushing some hair behind my ear.

"Can I have my coffee first?" I smirked.

She audible groaned and nodded, climbing off me so I could sit up and grab my mug.

"I'm really excited about today," she smiled brightly.

"Me too," I smiled back, watching her excitement fill her cheeks.

"I've planned today so we can do pretty much whatever we want," she explained.

"Okay," I giggled, sipping my caramel latte as her phone began bringing with a FaceTime.

She grabbed it quickly and set it up in front of the both of us, smiling at her mum as she filled the screen.

"Merry Christmas!" Lizzie beamed.

"Merry Christmas," her mum laughed, "is this Y/N/N?"

"Yeah," she smiled, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Hey," I laughed out my nose.

"You're really pretty," her mum told me.

"Thanks," I giggled, "merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas hunny, I'm Jarnie."

"I'm Y/N," I nodded.

"She knows," Lizzie smirked.

"I know," I mumbled, a blush on my cheeks as I sipped my coffee.

"Lizard we got a letter this morning," Jarnie started again.

"Oh?" Liz laughed.

"Robbie's been found."

Lizzie's smile dropped and her entire demeanour changed as she picked up her phone and stared blankly at her mum, my hand on her back rubbing it reassuringly as we all waited for her to ask the question she didn't want answering.

"Is he- is- is he-"

"He's okay," Jarnie smiled sadly, "well, he's alive. He's been given an honourable discharge and he's coming home as soon as he's out of hospital."

"What happened?" Liz asked softly.

"We don't know yet," she sighed.

Lizzie nodded slowly with a shaky exhale, "I'm glad he's okay."

Her mum nodded, "the twins didn't want to tell you until after Christmas but I thought you deserved to know."

"Yeah," Liz whispered.

"Are you okay?" She asked her.

My girlfriend shrugged her shoulders and bit her cheek, "I don't know, man I was so happy this morning."

"Look, you don't need to stress about it, okay?" Jarnie sighed, "he's home safe so you don't need to worry about that and right now, there's nothing you can do so you need to have a good day with Y/N/N. He's not your boyfriend anymore Lizard, you don't need to do anything."

She nodded quickly, "yeah I know ... thank you for telling me."

Jarnie nodded back with a sad smile, "we've sent your presents in the post so they should be with you this morning."

"Thank you," Liz smiled.

"We've sent something for you too Y/N/N."

"Really?" I asked, slightly shocked, "wow thank you, you didn't have to."

"It was MK's idea," Jarnie smiled, "have a good day girls - I'll talk to you later Liz?"

"I love you," Lizzie smiled back.

"Love you too," her mum winked before ending the call.

Without saying anything, Liz picked up her coffee and leaned back against the headboard of her bed, her decorum completely changing.

"Are you all right?" I asked carefully.

She smiled sadly over at me and shook her head, "I don't want this to ruin our day ... I should be happy that he's safe."


"I don't know, I feel weird about it," she admitted, "now that he's on his way back at LA, it's all going to change."

"It doesn't need to," I assured her.

"When I go home I'm going to have to see him ... I don't want to do that," she sighed, sipping her coffee and pulling the Santa hat off her head.

"You are going to need to see him in person eventually but when you do, it'll be okay," I nodded, "it doesn't need to be this big scary thing, he might be dating again and you'll be with me so it's going to be okay."

"Yeah," she agreed with a sad singular nod.

"Do you want your first present? Will that make you feel better?" I smiled.

She laughed out her nose and nodded back quickly. With a smirk, I put my coffee down on the bedside table and kissed her lips softly as she kissed mine back, putting her own mug down so she could cup by cheeks. I smiled against her lips and positioned myself between her legs, making her breath hitch slightly. She nodded quickly and spread them further, moving her hands to my thighs and stroking them gently.

"Is this my present?" She exhaled shakily as I moved my lips to her neck.

I hummed and nodded, kissing further down her body, her eyes widening when she saw where I was heading. Biting down on her bottom lip, she relaxed back and watched me intensely as my hands moved her legs into my shoulders so my face was hovering over her core which was already dripping from just a simple kiss.

"Please," she whispered.

With a small smirk on my lips, I kept our eyes connected and ran my tongue through her folds, her back arching and her free hand keeping my face between her thighs. As I looked up at her face, our eyes met and she let out a small moan, bucking her hips up into me as I sucked softly on her clit, rolling it back and forth between my tongue until she was breathing heavily and her legs began to shake.

"Fuck," she whispered sensually, her mouth hanging open.

I hummed slightly against her clit, sending vibrations through her body as she clenched around absolutely nothing, her back arching as her eyes sealed shut and the string in her lower stomach snapped, her arousal seeping out of her with my lips still wrapped around her most sensitive areas. Before I got the chance to pull away, Lizzie pulled me back up to her and kissed me firmly, her tongue exploring the taste of herself in my mouth. With a small smile, I kissed her back with the same passion before slowly pulling away and looking at her intensely.

"The best Christmas morning," she laughed out her nose.

"Yeah I agree," I smirked slightly.

"Can we make pancakes for breakfast?" she asked as I laid on top of her gently.

"Of course," I smiled, "then presents?"

"Presents then food?" She suggested.

"Good plan," I giggled, kissing the side of her head.

A/N - part 2 tomorrow 🫡

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