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"Can I come in?" I asked at Lizzie's bedroom door after one of her friends had let Scarlet and me into her house where they were all pre-drinking.

"Of course," she giggled as I pushed open the door and smiled at her figure hugged with a small dark red dress.

"You look incredibly sexy right now," I smiled slowly.

"You're cute," she laughed, walking toward me and placing her hands on my bare chest.

My dress sat as a bandeau around my breasts, hanging down my body in a form-fitting way. It was slightly frilly at the bottom and was short enough that you could see my white cowboy boots on my feet.

"You look pretty amazing too," she mumbled, her eyes tracing down my body with a smile.

I smirked and placed my finger on her chin, angling her face back up to mine.

"Hey," she whispered.

"Hey," I smiled, pressing our lips together softly.

She smiled back against the kiss and returned the pressure, gently pushing me up against the door behind me and keeping her hands on my chest, moving them slightly further down so they danced on my breasts as mine gravitated to her waist, my thumbs rubbing over her hip bones. The sexual tension was undeniable as her hands explored my clothed body, ever so slightly slipping under the top of my dress as we both breathed heavily, our teeth occasionally smashing as we roughly made out like we hadn't seen each other in years. Without care of the others downstairs, I pushed her backwards toward her bed and straddled her body, our lips not parting once but her hands moving further down my body as mine cupped her cheeks to keep our faces together. Biting down slightly on her bottom lip, she let out a small moan and slipped her tongue against mine, letting them dance together as I rocked my hips against hers to gain some sort of friction. As her hand moved lower down between my thighs, three loud knocks echoed into her bedroom.

"Fuck sake," she whispered against my lips.

"Liz are you nearly ready? Your girls friend is blasting Beyoncé," an Irish voice shouted from the hallway.

"Yeah; just give me a few minutes," Liz shouted back, her eyes firmly on mine until we heard footsteps disappearing again.

"I'm pretty good but I don't think I can make you cum in a few minutes," I smirked.

"Later," she exhaled breathlessly with a smile on her lips, "go downstairs, I need to fix my lipstick."

I groaned playfully and rolled off her, sitting on the side of her bed as she strolled back to the mirror to fix her makeup with the tip of her middle finger.

"Are you going to go downstairs?" She smirked.

"In a second, my legs are shaking right now," I laughed out my nose.

She hummed proudly and looked back over at me with an immense amount of love, grabbing her little pink Polaroid camera and holding it in front of her face. I smiled back at her as she let the camera flash twice. When the photo came printing out the top, she shook it out and walked over to me lustfully, taking a seat on my lap and turning the camera round so the lens faced the both of us. As I smiled again, I caught Lizzie scrunching her nose and the corner of my eye as the next two flashes went off. The photo printed out and dropped itself to the floor as she turned the small device around again and directed it to the full length mirror in front of us, taking a final photo that printed and she shook in her hand. My own hands gravited to her hips as she flapped the two photos and let the third develop itself on the floor. I placed a soft kiss on her shoulder before she leaned back into me.

"You're the cutest," I smiled softly.

She turned to face me and placed a final light kiss on my lips before pulling us both to stand up. All three photos had developed by the time we had fixed our outfits and hair. She laid them on her bed over the fluffy blanket and took a few photos of them on her phone.

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