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"I'm really sorry," Lizzie whispered, sitting in a ball on one side of her couch while I sat on the other, slightly awkwardly after receiving a text that read 'can you come over'.

"It's okay ... do you want to talk about it?" I asked.

She shrugged her shoulders and shook her head, "honestly, I didn't think you would actually come."

"You needed me," I replied.

She hummed and nodded, "I spoke to my sister, and she told me to message you and now here you are."

"Why?" I asked softly.

"I guess I just feel- I feel really overwhelmed," she exhaled shakily, "everything just seems to be adding more weight onto my shoulders and I know it's my fault I'm in this position but it's just getting too heavy."

"What can I do to help?" I asked, moving across the couch so I was sitting opposite her with my hands on her knees.

She shook her head again, "I don't know ... can you stay here for a bit? You don't have to, but I could make some food and maybe we could watch a movie?"

"Okay," I agreed, nodding slowly.

"Yeah?" she checked, looking up.

I nodded again, "can I hug you?"

"Please," she whispered, dropping her knees so I could take her in an embrace, holding her tightly against my chest.

She wrapped her slim arms around my body and held onto me like her life depended on it, burying her head between my breasts and breathing heavily as she sniffled slightly.

"You're okay," I mumbled, placing a kiss on the top of her head.

She hummed and nodded, exhaling shakily and then pulling away to wipe her eyes.

"What are you doing tomorrow night?" she asked with a sad little sniffle.

"Probably just watching Love Island, why?" I laughed.

"Can you come Volks with me?" she replied, "my friends have invited you and I don't think I can go without you there."

"I don't know if that's such a good idea," I mumbled.

"We don't have to drink if you're worried about being drunk, it can just be a good night out with dancing?" she suggested.

"I'll come," I nodded, "and we will be drinking ... can I bring Scarlet too?"

"As long as she doesn't try to physically hurt me," Liz laughed out her nose.

"You'll be fine," I giggled, "what about your friends?"

"They're slightly unbearable but they'll be fine, they'd never say anything bad to you," she smiled softly, "I think they're slightly scared of you honestly."

"Scared of me?" I laughed.

She nodded quickly, "you're intimidating in a very sexy way ... I'm also pretty sure they're all a little bit gay."

"We're all a little bit gay darling," I smirked.

She hummed a smile and nodded slowly, "do you want a drink?"

"I'd love a cup of tea," I smiled back, sitting back comfortably in my seat.

"What about coffee?" she asked.

"Coffee works too," I giggled.

"Good because I don't own any tea bags," she laughed, standing up and walking into the adjacent kitchen to switch the coffee machine on.

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