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"And then what did you say?" Scarlet laughed hard into her glass of wine as I recreated the mess I made on the bus.

"'Yeah, I get that a lot'," I repeated, sitting down next to her on our couch that was so clearly falling apart.

I met Scarlet in Brighton three years ago when we were both studying for our undergraduate degrees. We've pretty much been inseparable ever since. She had this dark hair that contrasted her blue eyes and made her, dare I say, really fucking sexy. I'm not going to say she's straight because she certainly isn't that, but she swings further towards a flat chest than she does boobs. I'm the opposite if you will. After graduating last summer, we moved down to Dublin together to begin our studies at Trinity College. We were currently living in what should really be a one-bedroom flat on top of a shop on Dublin's busiest high street but has somehow been converted into a two-bedroom living space with tiny double beds in each room, a lounge that only fit one couch and a TV, one bathroom and a kitchen that just wasn't quite big enough for two people. As I said, it should really be one bedroom, but it was cheap and it's fairly central for two students, albeit we were almost 21 and slightly past the clubbing age. I feel it's also important to mention that Scarlet is an Aries while I'm a Capricorn, that's two pretty big personalities shoved into a shoebox apartment.

"Has anyone ever called you peculiar before?" Scarlet giggled with a laugh I can only describe as sounding like a goose.

"Nope," I laughed, "I panicked okay, I've been thinking about what I would say to her when we had our first conversation and I just kind of word vomited ... I've definitely scared her away."

"I don't think so, I think she might have even been flirting back," Scarlet smiled at me, sipping her drink.

"Do you think?" I asked.

She hummed and nodded, "you're usually good at picking these things up."

"With girls from London? Yes, I am, I know how they work-"

"A woman is a woman," she cut me off.

"Not this woman," I exhaled.

"So, ask her for a drink Y/N/N," she laughed, "you're stupidly attractive and when you don't have a gay panic, you're pretty good at flirting."

I laughed out my nose and nodded once more, "I think I need to start with a smoother flirting technique first."

"Maybe," she smirked, "I have a plan," Scarlet raised, "she gets the same bus as you, right?"

I hummed a yes and sipped my own glass of wine which was a different shape from Scarlet's as both had been stolen from local pubs.

"So maybe drop your phone number in her bag one day, don't say anything, just drop it on the way past her?" she suggested.

"Isn't that a bit weird?" I laughed.

"Only one way to find out," she smiled.

I hummed and nodded, "anyway, what about you? How's uni?"

"You know that hot lecturer?" she replied.

"Which one are we talking about?" I laughed.

"White hair, beard, looks a bit like Paul Hollywood-"

"Not the poetry professor," I realised.

"Yes," she smiled, "he was so flirting with me today."

"I bet he wasn't," I giggled, "just because a man is nice to you, doesn't mean he's flirting."

"Says the lesbian who is utterly obsessed with a girl she's only just met," she laughed back, honking once more, "anyway, I think I might sleep with him-"

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