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Hello pickle. I hope you're okay and school is good. I'm getting married next month; you can come if you want, and you're welcome to bring a plus one just don't tell your mum x

"Don't tell your mum?" Scarlet asked, "but doesn't she already know?"

"Yeah, she's the one who told me," I nodded, "but he didn't tell her, she found out through someone else."

"And the way he said, 'you can come if you want'? It's almost like he's saying he doesn't really want you there," she realised, "what a dick."

"That's exactly what I was thinking," I laughed out my nose, "I keep trying to tell Lizzie this, but she doesn't get it."

"Lizzie's parents actually make an effort with her," Scar replied.

I nodded quickly, "should I go?"

"Do you want to go or are you going because you feel like you should?" she asked me, passing back my phone.

"Would you go?" I asked.

"With you as your plus one?" she checked.

I nodded, "I mean you already know them."

"I'm not sure if Lizzie would like that very much ... have you asked if she wants to go?" Scarlet replied.

I shook my head slowly, "if she's around my family, I'm going to have to explain everything and that's a lot to unpack."

"You said last night that you wanted to marry this woman, she's going to need to meet your family at some point," Scarlet reminded me.

"No thank you," I said slowly, shaking my head.

"Y/N/N!" she giggled, "are you just not going to bring her home?"

"Yeah, that sounds great actually," I laughed.

"No," she laughed back, "that wasn't an option ... she should meet your family."

"No one should meet my family," I smirked.

"Take her to the wedding, explain everything about your parents and if she still loves you after that - RESULT!" she laughed.

"I suppose I would get to wear a pretty dress," I came to realise, "and I do love a free party ... I guess maybe we could just stay far away from anyone related to me all evening."

"And you'd get to see your grandma," she smiled.

"That's true," I nodded, "all right, I'll go but I'm not telling Mum I'm in London because then we'll have to see her too and that's much worse than seeing Dad."

"Good plan," she laughed out her nose, holding her hand out for a high five as our palms met firmly.

"God this is going to be an insufferable few days," I groaned.

"Yep, but it'll be an open bar!" she replied brightly.

"So, I just need to get absolutely obliterated," I agreed.

"Solid plan," Scarlet giggled, "I still can't believe you're not going home for Christmas."

"I can't wait to spend Christmas here honestly," I smiled, my eyes softening, "it'll just be me and Lizzie and we can do whatever we want all day."

"And you won't have to go to church," she agreed.

"I have a feeling it's going to be perfect," I nodded, "the first Christmas of many ... and you Miss Scarlet Misso, bringing your girlfriend home???"

"I know," she exhaled shakily, "they don't really know that she's a woman ... I told them I was bringing home my partner and I think they just assume she's a he."

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