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"Can I take you out for dinner?" I asked Lizzie as she calmed her breathing, lying sprawled out on her bed with nothing covering her body apart from a thin white sheet.

"It's midnight," she laughed, looking over at me.

"Tomorrow," I smiled, "or coffee? We could do lunch?"

"Or you could go down on me again?" she suggested.

"Not that I wouldn't love that," I smirked, "but um- I'd like to take you out on a proper date."

She nodded slowly and looked back up at the ceiling, "why don't you come over after uni tomorrow and I'll make us dinner?"

"Yeah?" I smiled.

She nodded once more and looked back to me, "you bring the wine and I'll do the rest."

"Okay," I smiled wider, "I'm vegetarian by the way."

"Really?" she asked.

I hummed and nodded, "for almost ten years."

"Wow ... you learn something new every day," she replied, "my sister's vegetarian."

"Congrats," I giggled.

She laughed out her nose and shook her head with a smirk, "don't be a smart ass."

"Shut up," I smirked back, rolling over to cuddle her as her phone started ringing on the bedside table.

She picked it up, hung up the call and put it face down again.

"You can get that," I told her.

"It's not important, they can wait until the morning," she replied, running her hand up and down my spine.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course," she nodded.

"Have you ever been in a relationship before?" I asked softly.

"I'm 23, yeah I have," she mumbled.

"But you've never been with a woman?" I pushed.

She shook her head, "I used to make out with my friends in high school and I always had a feeling that there was something more going on, but I think I'm more attracted to men."

"She says as she lies naked underneath a woman," I smirked.

She laughed out her nose and nodded, "I don't want to put a label on my sexuality."

"You don't need to," I assured her.

She nodded again and let out a soft yawn, "I quite enjoy sex with women."

"I'd sure hope so," I giggled, her phone ringing once more.

She let out a sigh and hung it up again.

"Who keeps calling you?" I asked.

"Someone from home, I'll call them in the morning," she replied.

I nodded, "tell me about people from home."

"Um, there's not much to say really ... my best friend Clay is still in LA and so is my family," she started, "I wish I could go back there more."

"Do you still live at home?" I asked.

"Well considering I live in ... Ireland," she smirked.

"Right," I laughed, "I can't believe you own this whole house."

"Yeah," she smiled.

"Do you work?" I asked.

She shook her head.

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