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What could Robbie give Lizzie that I can't and how I can fix that:
1. Dick - purchase a strap
2. Six years of memories - ?
3. Financial security - ?

Emily has basically been living at ours since her argument with Scarlet, the two of them rarely leaving each other's side. If possible, this disagreement has only made them stronger as a couple. I don't know if that would've been the same for Lizzie and me. If she ever bought up anything about Robbie during an intimate moment, I don't know how I would react. There's a part of me that feels like it will happen eventually, that she'll inevitably get bored of me and go back to him. She's reassured me time and time again that she won't but there's so much doubt in my mind that it's really been weighing on me; so I devised a list of what Robbie could give Lizzie that I can't and how I can change those things so she doesn't think life is better with him. I had a plan, and I had some solutions, but the heaviness of my anxiety had been weighing me down to the point that I was really struggling to get out of the house. Lizzie had been around twice this week to make me food and spend the evening with me watching movies, she knew what was getting me down, but she also knew there wasn't much anyone could do, I simply needed to rewire my brain. She was round now, making dinner in the kitchen as I stayed bawled up on the couch, reading my list from the note's app on my phone until she shouted my name to get my attention, my heavy eyes looking up at her.

"Do you want cheese on your pasta?" She asked.

I nodded silently and locked my phone, leaning on the back of the couch to look over at her.

"Thank you for doing this," I mumbled.

"It's no trouble; I like cooking for you," she smiled softly in a way that it was impossible to be worried about anything.

Lizzie had this sense about her that when she smiled or looked at me for a few extra seconds, every single worry and problem melted away. She had a way of fixing everything by doing nothing.

That's how I knew it would all be okay, because I had Lizzie.

"I love you," I told her aloud.

She scrunched her nose and smirked slightly, "I love you too darling - will you give me a hand at serving these?"

I nodded and joined her in the kitchen, taking her into a tight hug and breathing her scent through my nostrils, my eyes falling shut. She hugged me back instantly, running her hand up and down my back reassuringly and kissing the side of my head.

"You'll be okay," she assured me gently.

I nodded in agreement but kept my tight hold on her.

"I know what will make you feel better," she smiled, pulling away from me and connecting her phone to the kitchen speaker.

I furrowed my brows and watched her as she leaned over the kitchen side, her ass popping out through her leggings as she leaned forward as Billy Joel began to bounce off the walls of our small two-bed apartment. She turned around and grabbed my hands, placing them on her hips and her own moving to my neck.

"Dance with me?" she smiled softly.

I laughed out my nose and shook my head, "I'm not dancing in the kitchen."

"Just dance with me," she laughed, moving to grab my hands, moving my body slowly to the beat of the music, the smile on her lips catching to my own.

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