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"She doesn't want to see you," I heard Scarlet telling Liz from the front door.

"I need to see her, I need to talk to her," Liz replied.

"No," she spoke back bluntly.

"Scarlet, please," Liz sighed.

"I knew you would hurt her; I saw this coming, and she didn't listen to me yet here we are," Scar said.

Walking toward my bedroom door, I opened it in the same oversized t-shirt I had been wearing for the past week and looked over at where Lizzie was standing in front of Scarlet, both of them now turning to look at me.

"It's fine," I told Scarlet.

"Thank you," Lizzie muttered, pushing past her and walking toward me, "Y/N/N, you need to hear me out."

"Whatever, you've got 10 minutes and I want you gone," I replied, leaving my bedroom wide door open and taking a seat back down on my bed, pulling my duvet to cover my body.

"I broke up with him," she started, closing my bedroom door.

"Oh, that's okay then!" I fake smiled, "thank you Elizabeth!"

"I'm just trying- I'm trying to fix this," she frowned, "I really hate myself right now and I don't know how I can make you feel any better ... I called Robbie and I told him I had met someone in Ireland, and I wanted to see where it went but I needed to break up with him first-"

"We've been fucking for nearly three months Liz; did you tell him that?" I asked, cutting her off.

She shook her head, "I don't want to hurt him like that."

"You really should've thought about that," I scoffed.

"I know," she began to cry.

"Oh, you're crying?" I laughed, "wow this is a sight to see."

"I didn't mean for this to happen," she cried harder, wiping her cheeks with the sleeves of her jumper which were pulled over her hands like a sad little puppy.

"If you're trying to get some sort of sympathy out of me, you're not going to," I bit back, "you can stand there and cry all day if you want but I'm not going to-"

"I'll call him right now and tell him, I'll do it for you Y/N/N," she sobbed, "let me try and fix this, p-please."

"You're gonna call him right now? With me here?" I asked.

She nodded quickly, pulling out her phone, "can I sit?"

I nodded back at her, and she took a seat at the end of my bed, as far away from me as she could get and dialled Robbie's number, putting it on speaker and letting it ring.

"Hey," he spoke down the phone bluntly, "I thought I was giving you space?"

"I know, I didn't tell you everything though," she sniffled.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

She hummed and nodded, "I'm really sorry, I'm- I'm with- I- I'm sorry I can't-"

"Breathe Liz, it's okay," he told her softly.

I really wanted to hate this guy, but he sounded so genuinely sweet I just didn't have it in me at the moment to hate him, it wasn't his fault after all. She hummed and curled her hands up in clenched fists, her chin quivering and her shoulders rising and falling as her eyes sealed shut and she sobbed.

"I-I'm really sorry," she cried.

"You're okay," he reminded her.

She hummed a no as he exhaled loudly and shakily.

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