Ghoul Wheel

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In a dark and mysterious room we see a woman walk through dark hall. She arrives at the room and sits on a throne. She activates the monitor as it, it reveals the ghoul, more monitors reveal different Ridley at different positions and different times of the day.

???: mmm Ridley, it's time we reunited

The female rose out of her throne and walks off.


In another dark room we see bogdog walk in. He heads towards a chest in a light. He slowly opens as light shines from in it.

Bogdog: yes, after so long of searching, like someone was on break or something, but we finally tracked down the monster eggs that belong to Ridley. His client lost us, and is paying us double to recover them.

Bogdog reached into the chest and brings out the Ryno. He walks to the door as it rises, revealing a bright light to the outside. It lights the inside of the room revealing the interior of the monster truck.

Bogdog: now that we are on the island to find those eggs. Bogdog has only one question- why you guys leave me in the ship 

Bogdog growls as he jumps out the monster truck. We see the island infested with wicked plants and winged beast. Bogdog runs on all fours around the island, he's stopped by a giant plant that roars in his face, until it's slammed to the ground. The plant screeches as it's ripped apart. We see mako as she spots bogdog.

Mako: Oh hey bogs 

Bogdog: hey where the boss

Mako: last I saw he was on the shoreline 

Bogdog: got it 

Bogdog runs off. He reaches a pack of plants as we see them slice to ribbons. Landing on the ground we see shredz as he laughs.

Shredz: hah now that was clawsome. Oh hey bogdog  

Bogdog: hey dude how's it going, where's wild 

Shredz: oh he's in the forest last time I checked.

Bogdog: dang it, heads up

Shredz and bogdog faces several plant monsters. But a barrage of claws and punches tear them to shreds. Shredz smiles as the attacker was Glo, she spread her arms and lands in his arms. 

Glo: hey Shreddy, oh hey bogdog 

Bogdog: hey stripes, gotta go

Bogdog runs into the forest.  As he ran through the forest we see Leroy, devil dinosaur and tempest blasting wild plants left and right. Bogdog runs past them as he waves.

Bogdog: sup guys

The pets stop and wave high to bodog before they continue to blast the plants. Bogdog looks and stops in an open area. 

Bogdog: this so feels like a ambush 


Bogdog looks and sees an explosion, he sees flug fly across the air and crash. He gets up and groans before a vine grabs his leg and drags him back into the forest, he passed bogdog who looked confused.

Bogdog: sup doc 

Flug: hey bogdog 

Bogdog: I was heading to the boss, do you need help 

Flug: no, give it a minute 

Suddenly a large Venus fly trap rose out the forest. It started drooling as it lifts flug up. Then suddenly it groans before falling down. Bogdog catches the falling flug as they look at the plant. Something begins walking out the forest. We see 505 fall out as he was captured too. The figure actually walking out was demencia who held her axe. It morph back into a necklace as she spots bogdog.

Villainous: His Right Hand GhoulDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora