Yo-Ho A Demons Pet For Me

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- Waterpark

It was dark and out scene transit to a waterpark. Everything is dark, suddenly the lights turn on. Each of the rides turns on, and the waves begin to roar. But it wasn't the only thing that was roaring. The sound of engines roar. Something large flies over the park.

???: ya-ha, dump the booty

Something begins to glow. Then when it's over the large soars into the night sky. If you listen closely. You could hear the sounds of laughter and music.

- Hat Manor

It was morning, a few weeks have pasts, and devil got used to the teams. He even meets Blackhat and was made a team member. Then our scene transit to the hall as we see shredz sneaking down the hall. He chuckles as he heads a bowl of water. As he passed the corner demencia leaned on the wall.

Demencia: watcha doing shreddy

Shredz: it's shredz, and I'm about to prank Flug.

Demencia: oh with what

Shredz shows her the big pan of warm water

Demencia: nice, let's use this as well

She brings out sticks of dynamite. Shredz looks at her and gives her a thumbs up and nods. Later they sneak into flug room. Once they walk inside they notice something. Flug was gone.

Shredz: what, this is our day off, you'd think he'd be sleeping I

Demencia: yeah, and his favorite stupid show is not playing today... Also, where is his bed/pod thingy

Shredz: Huh

They saw it was gone

Shredz: where'd he go

We transit outside where we see a drag trail coming from the manor, leading to the yard. We see a pillow and alarm clock laying on the trail. Then we see Flug as he holds onto his pod. Flug begins to stir in his sleep.

Flug: y-yes sir.... I'll get to work..... demencia... stop touching the hatship... no don't give that invention as a gift for Ridley..... shredz keeps touching my things... [wakes up] hm. What the devil-

Flug: ow... oh no

Flug sees a pile of dirt filling the hole, with him still inside.

Flug: no no no, not again!

Flug is burrowed in the ground. We see devil dinosaur outside as he pats the dirt with his tail. Devil growls and runs off. Our scene transit back inside, demencia and shredz were sad they couldn't prank Flug, but they were joyed to give Devil some scratches.

Demencia: who's a pretty dinosaur

Shredz: yeah who's a good buddy? Who's a good dinosaur

Demencia: you are, yes you are

Devil's tail bashed the ground in bliss. Then Ridley came over with a giant rib.

Ridley: figured our newest recruit will be hungry. So devil you want a great

Devil head shot in and smiles, looking around for the treat, until his eyes land on 505 in his maid outfit.

505: bow?

Devil imagines him as a giant rib and licks his teeth.

Shredz: sorry buddy, but the bear isn't on the menu

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