Christmas Special: Have A Ghouly Jolly Christmas

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Under the dead of the night. We transit to a hero guarded city. Well protected glad we see the poeple grinning ear to ear. They were getting ready as today was Christmas Eve. We see the people shopping in the malls. Soon night approaches and everyone locks up. Then we see a flying object descended onto the city. It lands on the mall revealing to be the monster truck. It opens up as Ridley, wild , heed, bogdog and shreds slide down in a cool move. 

Wild: alright: all of us present Ridley

Ridley: k, everyone ready. Let's go

All: yeah 

All them enter the mall through different entrances. Once inside they have their fun. They all steal the decorations, food, and ideal presents. They stuffed them into giants sacks. They proceed heading to the monster truck. We see Ridley walk down a hall when he sees something in the frame. A flood of memories enter his mind he sighs and walks off. In the roof we see the group enter the truck. Then wild spots Ridley enter last with a look on his face. 

Wild: oh great, it's the me of this days in Christmas

Wild walks inside. The truck takes off into the night sky as it began to snow. 


It was morning as it began to snow. We see a cat jump onto the manor fence. They were no explosive bo lasers and no buzzsaw waiting for the intruder. As the car licked itself its pelted by snowballs. The thrower was Leroy in a festive winter clothes. He throws a snowball at devil dinosaur. He cheers and plays with Leroy. We see tempest and Thunderkong sleeping inside as everyone moved around. Inside ghoul room we see demencus sleeping in the bed. She slowly opens her eyes and looks around. She sees it's snowing and smiles.

Demencis: yay 

She shot out of bed and gets dressed. She tosses several clothes as she find the perfect one. In the kitchen we see Shredz baking along with bodgog. Flug sat on the table looking up inventions.

Flug: amateurs 

Shredz: all you gonna help us make food or just sit there

Flug: hm, imma choose the second one

Bogdog: K, but if you stay their long enough the pets gonna do something 

Flug shoot's up and looks around. Eyeing him from the window were Leroy and Devil with smiles like the grinch.

Flug: oh I think I heard 505 call and he needs my assistance 

With that he runs off.

Shredz: hah, that never gets old

Bogdog: yep 


Bogdog and Shredz look around and see room was shaking. Then suddenly demencia lands into the kitchen. Her clothes matched her crazy style.

 Her clothes matched her crazy style

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