Devil Comes Home

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- Madagascar

Our scene takes place in Madagascar, where massive trees stood, and Lemurs bounced through the trees. Then we see trees shake. It was caused by massive crashes on the ground. Then we pan to several footsteps on the ground. Then we hear a dinosaur roar.

It was more of a yawn as the figure makes it to a river and drank water. But what we didn't know is that the dino was being watched. People from a mile away were eyeing it. But they weren't some tourist or animal rights. It was a group of mercenaries. The black claw, a group of international arms dealers, guns for hire to any warlord who'll pay. One has hired them to test this beast.

Goon: we have it on our sites

???: good, now don't kill it. We're getting paid to test what this beast is capable of. But that doesn't mean we can't have fun.

Goon: sir yes sir

The goon aims its sniper at the beast. From it, we see its red scales and horns. Then we see it has sharp teeth and a reptile tail. Standing on two powerful legs. The goon fires the shot. It hits as it electrocuted the dinosaur. It stayed on the dino as it flew in another direction. The mercenaries holler as they drive off the hill. Landing on the ground they chase after the dinosaur. The beast passes a rock as his footsteps crack it. Then the roar from the mercenaries' car engines caused it to break apart. Revealing crystals... In the form of a Hat.

-Hat Manor

The scene transit inside the hat manor. We see shredz working on the hatship. Upgrading the ship to be more powerful. Until he's splashed by fluid.

Shredz:[sarcastic] Ah well that's just great

Shredz walks out of flug lab and heads to the bathroom. But then he senses something making him look behind.

Shredz: devil!?.... Weird

Shredz continues to walk off. Then the scene transits to the shower. Shredz was cleaning himself. Then suddenly he gets flashes of devil dinosaur in pain and being attacked. Shredz breathes heavily as his core reacts.

Shredz: what is going on

Shredz leans there while the water hit him. Scene transit to the dinner as everyone was there eating. Flug then runs in.

Flug: behold my latest invention... Guys... guys! Are you even listening to me

Ridley: we are eating flug we don't have time to listen to all your rants

Demencia: what he said [Munches chicken]

Flug: you always interrupt my work with your rock and roll

Ridley: hehe, good times. Alright flug you have the room, if it's good we'll clap, if not. [clicks teeth]

With a click, Leroy teleports into the one biting a bone.

Ridley: Leroy will show off his new moves

Leroy smirks as his tail whips out spikes.

Flug:..... [shudders] understood. Behold my energy Analyzer

He begins out a device that looks like an iPad on a handle, covered in radio dishes.

Demencia: the name could use work

Villainous: His Right Hand GhoulМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя