Everybody Fear the Dinosaur

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-hat manor 

The scene transit to the rooms, everyone was sleeping. Though there was a problem, in the ghoul room demencia was snoring as loud as a monster. Flug couldn't sleep, shoving his head into the table. the same happened for 505, he was shoving crayons in his ears. Blackhat was sleeping without any ears. 

And for Ridley and Leroy, they were unfazed, haven been use to the snoring it was something to now help them fall asleep. Then lastly the new recruit, shredz. Shredz wasn't affect by it cause he had the ability to knull all sound. But that wasn't giving a hard time sleeping. It was that hr was living an old dream. In the dream we see a teenager shredz, about 13, working on something, he was in the underworld. He was building something quite large.

Shredz: alright if this works, then I'll be able to ring back the dead

He laughs evilly.

Shredz: this is gonna be so awesome

He connects the last device. He it surrounded a massive fossil of a unique species. It resembled a T Rex, with horns on his head. 

Shredz: time to give this creature...... life

He throws the switch. Energy flows through the cables to the fossil, generated by the same power source in Shredz. The fossil begins to floats into the air. It's body shaking, the holes where it's eyes once was began to glow red. Then it ignites into flames, then the machin overloads

Shredz: oh no, I hate when that happens 

Then the machine explodes. Shredz is sent flying as the lab blows down. The cub is buried in rubble. He gets out as sees his lab.

Shredz: well it could be worse, like the other 364 times, well time to do test number 365

Shredz get sup and begins working. But then he hears a growl. It sound that if an infant. Shredz looks around and spots a glowing object. Through the smoke out steps a cute adorable dino, a red dino with 

Shredz: OMG, you are adorable 

The little dino growls and sniffs the air, he then spots shredz, he growls as shredz loom over the creature

Shredz: hey there buddy, I'm shredz, and you 

He extends his hand and the dino bites his finger. He smirks and cups the dino in his pawn.

Shredz: your a feisty little guy Huh. My name is shreddy, it's okay, your safe

The little monster let's go of his finger. It then tells him his name.

Shredz: wow, for a little guy your name is quite the mouthful, how about I give you a nickname 

He thinks about it and smirks.

Shredz: alright, I got it, from now on I'll call you, Devil, Devil Dinosaur

He smirks as Devil dinosaur loves the name. He doesn't notice the large blast mark on the wall, in the shape of massive dino. Then shredz wake up.

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