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- hat manor

It was night under the hat manor. We see everyone sleeping. Then we pan to Ridley room. Demencia snuggled closely to Ridley. Her snores continue to shake the room. Then he wakes up and senses something. His phone rings as he goes to answer it. When he opens the phone he sees an event. An event he and Blackhat made ages ago.

Ridley: so it's finally time, the big event

Ridley pets demencia head as she purrs. 

Ridley: sorry love but you can't join, neither can flug. This is a special event.

Ridley proceeds to get out of bed and contact someone. 

-Chaon City

We transit to a city, chaon city. Still filled with vile and destruction. We transit to a warehouse. Where we see a fight is breaking our. Sounds of grunts and glass breaking, followed by a black claw goon sent flying out the building. He was kicked by powerful person. The camera pans to the wall, where a massive hole stood where he crashed through. From the smoke we see a pink female. Her eyes glows as she walks away. We then see thunderkong and another destroy waves of other black goons. The female is seen pinning one to the wall despite hire large size.

???: I'll ask you one last time, where are the monsters heading to

Black goon: I'm not telling nothing 

The female then smiles, showing her glowing mouth and fangs. Thunderkong and the other see giant pink glow. The pink glow fades as the female drops the large goon, now a shriveled up husk. The female walks off.

???: he didn't know anything, we are officially out of leads 

Then the person gets a call, from her bosom. She grabs it and answers it. 

???: yes, oh sensei.... I'm sorry to say but we ran out of leads.... Oh it's fine, you need us form something. Ok we're on our way. Boys let's move 

The female and the others walk out. A light flickers on them as it reveals to be heed. 

- Hat Manor

It was morning as demencia is seen sleeping in her room. She squirms around the bed and notice something was off, she opens her eyes and sees ridley is gone. She gets up and yawns.

Demencia: [yawn] Leroy, have you seen Ridley. Leroy

Demencia looks and see Leroy isn't in his bed. Now she was more confused.

Demencia: it's not Monday, it's Friday. Where are my men

Demencia walks out the room. Once she does she sees waves of hatbots moving left and right. Even large hatbots are scene as well, all carrying equipment. Demencia walks around when she arrives to the lab. Where we see flug scampering around. Hatbots seen gather tools and equipment.

Flug: hey what are you doing, where are taking that. Why aren't you Listen to me

Demencia: hey doc what's going on

Flug: no idea, the hatbots started moving on their own. And now they're not listening to us.

Demencia: I see, have you seen Ridley I don't know where he is

Flug: I haven't seen glo or shredz either. Neither devil dinosaur and today his usual the day he tries and buries me

Demencia: hm weird 

Demencia walks away. We see her walk down the hall when see spots shredz and glo. She waved to them but they are seen talking to Ridley. She hides and try listening in on the conversation. Then we see shredz and glo walk down the hall. Ridley smiles and walks off. 

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