Season 2

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This is the start of season 2, like the previous chapter said, new chaos new mayhem and more shocks

Then flug arrives holding papers. As we see 505 in the background holding a boom mic.

Flug: I hope ready cause we got more excited stuff in store

Leroy pops into the screen laughing and landing on flug head. He slaps him senselessly and knocks him down, then we see demencia walk in holding a smoothie.

Flug: demencia I told you I was gonna tell the fans about the new season alone

Demencia: oh come on doc your not the best storyteller, and what's to tell besides the new monster Ridley created, the new characters gonna be appear, and 

Flug: demencia your spoiling it 

Demencia rolls her eyes as Leroy grabs flug and drags him out the scene we can hear him screaming. Then she looks at the camera

Demencia: oh high, demencia here, yeah you must be surprised to see me, I'm more calmer, more sane verison then when I was swooning over Blackhat, but now I have a better man. And he's mine so back off. Bessie were as personal as can be, he has no other women in his life and doesn't need them

As she boast we see thunderkong walk by along with the drone. Then heed flys by as pink smoke. They all enter through a door as we see flug runs across the room. He stops to see the pink smoke.

Flug: hey when did this pink smoke come-ahhh

He flees from a chainsaw swinging Leroy. Demencia chuckles

Demencia: and that they is Leroy my seeet lovable baby, he's harmless

Flug: Leroy put down machine gun


Flug: whyyyy

Demencia: ain't he sweet

Then Leroy jumps into demencia arms and changes into his cute form. Getting a sweet from the crowd.


Flug runs to the other direction as something chases him. Then we see two colossal footsteps chasing him. Then someone falls off the creature.  Demencia steps aside as Leroy joins the creature in the hunt. We see glo get up dizzy. Demencia smiles and side hugs her.

Demencia: and this is my little sis glo. A rookie member with cat like reflexes. And cute stud by her arm sorry boys

Glo: Huh, oh the trailer, well high I'm glo, I'm an ex-sidekick turn member of the Blackhat gang, they may be weird but they are a great family. Oh and the big monster chasing flug is Devil Dinosaur, he's very kind and playful

In the background we see devil dinosaur chasing flug as he breath fire at flugs but. And Leroy is seen riding devil holding shovels. 505 chases them.

Demencia: glad to hear it, now do the thing

Glo: what thing 

Demencia: you know, cause of your cat side

Glo: no, now that we're in a new season I'm getting rid of that

Demencia: come on

Glo: no

Devil and Leroy stop chasing and watched this. Flug takes a breather and sees it too. 505 gets closer.

Demencia: say it

Glo: I will nyet

She gasp as she did it, saying a cat pun, she blushes as demencia hugs her. Devil and Leroy laugh as does flug. Only to see Leroy and devil to look at him. He sighs and runs off. 

Villainous: His Right Hand GhoulWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt