Villainous Bonding

148 0 14

- Raining City

The scene transit to Chaon City, still a cesspool of vile and villainy. It's Gangs still fighting for turf, banks being robbed like a regular day.  The police prison with their inmates would throw parties cause they can, and heroes would still call this the home for evil, villains and mercenaries. But now it's also home to a new brand of entertainment. Our scene transit down an alley, where we see a couple of figure talk.

???: can you believe the show they hosted last nigh

???: I know, I still can't believe that monster did that to the guy. Man talk about brutal 

???: I can't wait for the next match

They all laugh. From a distance a female covered in a trench coat and hat heard all of this. She walks off as she left a trail of pink smoke, passing flyers about a fight club. And then the flyers fall to the ground, revealing a Hat logo painted in the side.

-Hat Manor

The scene transit to a room, where within we see a person sleeping under the covers. They move the sheets as it's revealed to be glo. The her alarm rings.

Glo: ugh, good morning sirs. Wait what 

She looks around to see a steel room. Glo then sees a black rooster on the counter.

Glo: oh man I must be at hq sick bay, cause I'm having the weirdest dream

Rooster: your not dreaming Chica

Glo screams and falls down. Then flug runs inside.

Flug: ugh you again, get out of here, shoo, shoo[swing notepad at him]

Rooster: hey I'm just doing my job [clucks] alright I'm gone

The rooster walks off.

Flug: sorry  about him, he's one of Ridley's creation

Glo: oh so it isn't a dream. Wait what about Shreddy I mean shredz

Flug: oh he's fine, he's talking to Ridley as we speak. You should get dressed now, he and Blackhat want to talk to you

Glo: Blackhat?!?

Glo begins to shake. The scene transit to glo being presented before Ridley as the hound and blackhat. Everyone was in the background.

Blackhat: so this is the glo Shredz spoke often about. I must I'm a little surprised. So tell me what can you do my dear

Gli: oh, well well, I can stretch and and 

Shredz: she can shapeshift my lord, forgive my interruption. 

Blackhat: hm, she does so promise from her videos of defeating the villains. Though aided by heroes. And I know my dear pal Ridley can train her to be one of us.

The hound moves and transforms into Ridley.

Ridley: with pleasure my lord 

Blackhat: then welcome to the team glo. Do not disappoint me 

Glo: yes sir

Blackhat: now, everyone get out 

Everyone walks out of the room. Then Blackhat gets a call. 

Blackhat: what is it 

He continues to talk. Scene transit to the lobby. Glo takes a deep breath once she's out.

Glo: that was scary

Demencia: heheh

Gli shivers as she looks around. Then demencia drops down.

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