Who let the Ghoul In

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In hat manor. All was normal as a cat climbed the fence. It like itself until it get blasted and destroyed by a blaster. Inside a sleeping figure was resting in his bed. The largest room in the place, has a tv, couch, and hot tub. And a decor of animal skins, skull and bones. Then he wakes up, being Ridley. He walks up and gets dressed. He first opens his closet and is shocked. His old clothes were torn to shred through the years of his imprisonment.

Ridley: aw man, I like this suit. Oh well good thing I got a second one.

He moves some clothes and notice the the box. He pulls it out an opens it.

Ridley: sweet, hey is that

Looking in the closet he spots secondmask.

Ridley: oh my mask, I knew it was good to make a back up.

He grabs it a gets dressed. 505 was cleaning some rooms and then a figure walked in.

Ridley: morning bear

505 says hello and sees his new look

505 says hello and sees his new look

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The orange is black. He has a spike collar on his neck. And the fur is a hood. He also wore a masks.

(Add a bit of war paint, also alters his voice)

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

(Add a bit of war paint, also alters his voice).

Ridley: hey bear, it's 505 right

505: bow

Ridley: right we'll cya

Ridley walks off. He pass blackhats office an heads to the his trusty lab.

Ridley: ah, time to get to work 

He kicks the door down. To see flug working here

Ridley: oh hell no

He marches to flug. 

Flug: alright, that covers everything. Now all I have to do

Ridley: Flug

Flug: ah, oh hi Ridley, how's you day.

Ridley: good, now get out of my lab

Flug: what, what do you mean

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