64. Some stolen moments

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Third Person's Pov:-

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Third Person's Pov:-

The sun had barely peeked over the horizon when Viaanshi was rudely awoken by a loud THUMP followed by a string of muffled curses. She jolted upright in bed, her messy bedhead of tangles sticking up in all directions.

"What in tarnation?" she mumbled groggily, squinting around her dimly lit bedroom. Her gaze landed on the window, which was now wide open letting in the crisp morning air. And there, sprawled out in an ungraceful heap on her bedroom floor, was none other than her fiance Shreyansh.

"Shrey? What are you doing?" Viaanshi sputtered in disbelief. "Did you just...fall through my window?"

Shreyansh gave a pained groan as he slowly extricated himself from the tangle of curtains he had crashed through.

"Good morning to you too, sunshine," he mumbled dryly, wincing as he rubbed his likely bruised tailbone.

Viaanshi doubled over with raucous laughter at the hilarious sight before her. Tears of mirth streamed down her cheeks as she gasped for air between bellowing guffaws.

"Oh my god! That's...that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen!"

Shreyansh shot her an indignant glare as he tried in vain to maintain what little remained of his dignity.

"Well excuse me for trying to do something romantic!" he huffed, crossing his arms petulantly.

Slowly catching her breath, Viaanshi wiped the tears from her eyes and fixed Shreyansh with an amused look.

"Romantic? You call giving my poor heart palpitations by crashing through the window romantic?"

"I didn't crash! I was just...gracefully entering in a daring and romantic sweeping motion!" Shreyansh protested with a fierce pout.

Viaanshi erupted into another round of uncontrollable giggles at his completely serious declaration.

"Is that what they're calling it these days? Grace and dare-devilry all rolled into one?"

Shreyansh threw his hands up in exasperated defeat.

"Forget it, I give up! I'm never trying to do anything nice for you ever again."

"Aww, don't be like that baby," Viaanshi cooed teasingly, still grinning from ear-to-ear. She crawled over to the edge of the bed and patted the spot next to her.

"Come here, you big lug. Tell me what prompted this early morning window jumping."

Still grumbling under his breath, Shreyansh reluctantly climbed onto the bed, flopping down ungracefully beside her. Viaanshi immediately snuggled up to his side, resting her head on his chest as she traced nonsensical patterns across his firm abdomen.

"Well?" she prompted curiously.

"Don't keep a girl in suspense. What was your grand romantic plan this morning?"

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