16. Fainted?

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Third person's Pov:-

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Third person's Pov:-

As a girl and boy slept soundly, the girl nestled against the boy's back, two other boys sneaked in, shaking their heads at the scene. Suddenly, a voice startled them.

"What are you both doing here so early in the morning, sneaking around like thieves?"

"Ekaansh bhaiya, you scared us to death! Can't you be a bit more polite, instead of being like a Rudy?" one of the boys complained, his lips forming a pout.

The speaker was none other than Ekaansh Raichand, accompanied by Avyaan and Ayaan Raichand. The sleeping pair turned out to be Viaanshi and Siddharth, who were catching up on sleep after a late movie night.

"Don't pout, you idiot. You look like a monkey. Learn something from Avyaan; he's so calm and mature, and you..." Ekaansh's reprimand was cut short as Siddharth stirred and stretched his arms.

"It's barely morning, bro, and you've already disturbed my beauty sleep," Siddharth grumbled, his dramatic tone earning incredulous looks from the others. They shook their heads at his theatrics.

Ekaansh moved to the other side of the bed, followed by his brothers, and sat on the floor beside Viaanshi. Tenderly, he ran his fingers through her hair, eliciting smiles from his siblings who formed a circle behind him. With a gentle touch, Ekaansh addressed her softly.

"Wake up, princess. We have to go today, remember?"

Upon hearing his words, she slowly opened her eyelids, revealing a bright smile that never failed to melt her brothers' hearts.

"Don't give us that look, cupcake. Just go and get ready, we have to leave in two hours," Avyaan said, attempting to sound stern but failing as she burst into laughter, though she nodded in agreement.

She embraced them all tightly, and one by one, they kissed her forehead, each wearing a smile. Then, with a playful shake of their heads, she dashed off towards the bathroom, prompting Ayaan to shout after her.

Ekaansh turned to Siddharth, urging him,

"Come on, let's get ready. We don't want to be late."

Siddharth smirked, retorting, "Why the rush? We're flying in private jets. Admit it, you're just jealous because it was my turn to spend extra time with the princess."

Upon receiving sharp glares from his brothers, Siddharth hastily made a run for it, prompting them all to chase after him in pursuit.

Meanwhile in bathroom:-

Viaanshi stood before the mirror, her reflection a canvas of contemplation. Thoughts swirled within her mind, each one vying for attention. She scrutinized her features, searching for answers within the depths of her own reflection.

As she gazed at herself, memories flooded her consciousness, each one a thread in the intricate tapestry of her life. The events of the past days replayed in her mind, each moment etched with its own significance.

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