46. Truth!

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Third Person's Pov:-

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Third Person's Pov:-

Viaanshi sat bound to a chair, her wrists and ankles tightly secured with coarse rope that bit into her skin. The dank room was dimly lit, shadows pooling in the corners. She could barely make out Shanaya's form across from her.

"Why would you do this, Shanaya?" Viaanshi's voice quavered with a mix of fear and bewilderment.

"What could possibly make you kidnap me like this?"

She turned her head, looking at Abeer who stood off to the side, stunned into silence. His expression was one of utter shock and disbelief.

"And you, Abeer?" Viaanshi's eyes shone with hurt.

"I thought you were my friend. How could you be part of this? I trusted you."  We've been friends for so long...how could you do this to me? Didn't our friendship mean anything at all?"
Her words hung heavy in the air, weighted with a desperate plea for understanding, for some kernel of reasoning that could make sense of this nightmare.

For in that moment, Viaanshi felt utterly unmoored, adrift in a sea of anguish and disbelief as the situation spiraled farther from her comprehension.

Shanaya, for her part, simply stood with a look of smug satisfaction twisting her features. Her posture exuded confidence, like a serpent coiled and ready to strike again at the slightest provocation. A cruel, mocking smile played about her lips as she drank in Viaanshi's anguish with apparent relish.

In stark contrast, Abeer appeared shell-shocked, his expression one of dawning horror. His gaze swung wildly between the two women, a gamut of emotions flickering rapidly across his face denial, confusion, dismay. Whatever he had expected upon accompanying Shanaya here, it clearly wasn't this nightmarish scenario.

Realization crept into his eyes with agonizing slowness, like a terrible fog bank rolling in to smother all in its path. Suddenly, without a word, he
whirled on his heel and bolted from the room as if his very presence there burned him. The door slammed shut in his wake with a hollow boom of finality, leaving Viaanshi alone with her tormentor. without a backward glance.

Shanaya watched him go, a smug smile curving her lips. She pivoted to face Viaanshi once more, sauntering closer with slow, deliberate steps. Her heels clicked on the bare concrete with each stride. 

When she reached Viaanshi, Shanaya's hand shot out with startling quickness, grabbing a fistful of her hair. She wrenched Viaanshi's head back, eliciting a pained hiss from between her clenched teeth.

Despite the discomfort and fear coiling inside her, Viaanshi refused to cry out. She would not give Shanaya that satisfaction. Instead, she met the other woman's gaze steadily, her own eyes reflecting nothing but steely determination.

Shanaya's smile widened into a taunting sneer at Viaanshi's show of defiance. She tugged cruelly on her captive's hair.

"Do you know why you're here, my dear friend?" Her voice dripped with mocking sarcasm. "Or should I say...ex-friend?"

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