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Third Person's Pov:-

Siddharth's action left everyone speechless. He was the one who had fired the fatal shot at Mayank. Anita's eyes widened in horror as she saw Mayank's lifeless body on the ground.

Siddharth fired the gun, the loud bang echoing through the room. Mayank's body crumpled to the floor.

"No!" Anita screamed, her eyes widening in horror. She rushed over, dropping to her knees beside Mayank. "Mayank! Can you hear me?"

His eyes were closed, his chest still. Anita shook his shoulders frantically.

"Mayank, please! Open your eyes! Don't do this to me." Tears filled her eyes as the reality sank in. "You can't leave me alone. Get up, dammit!"

But Mayank didn't stir. Anita cradled his head in her lap, sobbing. Despite everything, he was her husband, her partner through the darkest times.

Memories flashed through her mind the crimes, the lives they had destroyed together in pursuit of money and power. She had justified it all to herself then, convinced it was necessary for survival. But now, seeing Mayank's lifeless form, she couldn't escape the weight of her guilt.

The faces of their victims seemed to accuse her. She had told herself she was immune to consequences, but fate had a way of righting the scales eventually. As she wept over Mayank's body, Anita knew her past had finally caught up to her.

Abeer averted his gaze, his allegiance suddenly unclear. Betrayal sliced through Anita like a knife. She was alone, surrounded by danger.

"Take the body away,"

Yuvaansh ordered his men. Two large men approached and began dragging Mayank's lifeless form across the floor.

"No, stop!" Anita cried. She clutched at Mayank, trying to hold him back, but the men were too strong. They pulled him from her grasp, carrying him away.

Anita turned to Abeer desperately.

"Abeer, please, you can't let them do this!" But Abeer remained stonily silent.

Losing Mayank was one thing, but not being able to see his final rites felt like an unbearable cruelty. Anger rose in Anita's chest like a raging fire. She would fight this injustice with every breath.

But then Yuvansh's cold voice cut through her turmoil.

"Take her too. Hand her over to the police. It will be her biggest punishment to be unable to see her husband's last rites."

Anita's head whipped around, horror etched across her features as she met Yuvansh's pitiless gaze. Before she could protest, two large women seized her arms in a bruising grip.

"No!" She thrashed against their hold. "Let me go! I have to be with Mayank!"

But the women were unmoved, dragging Anita away from Mayank's body. She watched helplessly as his form disappeared from view.

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