50. Unveiling the Truth

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Third Person's Pov:-

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Third Person's Pov:-

The air was thick with tension as the shocking scene played out. Abeer's adopted father Mayank stood gripping a gun, his eyes burning with grim determination. Next to him was Abeer's mother Anita, chillingly calm and composed despite the chaos unfolding.

A gunshot rang out, making Abeer's head whip around in alarm. What he saw next was the biggest shock of his life his parents wearing wicked, satisfied smiles. A sickening knot twisted in Abeer's stomach as puzzle pieces fell brutally into place. All the hushed whispers at night, the strange absences, the underlying current of fear always present in their lives...it all made a horrifying sense now.

"You...you're the ones behind all of this?" Abeer's voice trembled with stunned disbelief as he searched his parents' faces desperately for any flicker of denial or remorse. But there was none to be found.

His father's lips curled into a cold, cruel smile, his gaze steely and unflinching.

"Yes, Abeer. I orchestrated every last piece of it. The hardships, the tragedies it was all carefully planned by me."

A betrayal of this magnitude was almost impossible to comprehend. Abeer's mother remained ominously silent, eyes downcast with her hands clasped tightly, offering no defense. This revelation shattered the very foundations of Abeer's world.

"Why?" he whispered brokenly, struggling to process the enormity of his father's actions.

"How could you do this ?"

Mayank's expression hardened into granite, an icy coldness settling over his features.

"Because power is everything, Abeer. I would sacrifice anyone and anything to attain it even my closest blood."

Those chilling words hung thickly in the air like a dark cloud, their callous implications suffocating. A wave of white-hot anger and gut wrenching betrayal threatened to consume Abeer whole.

But even amidst the despair and chaos, a flicker of defiant fire ignited in Abeer's heart. He refused to let his father's darkness and depravity consume him. He would not be made a pawn in this twisted game.

With a steely resolve burning in his eyes, Abeer stepped forward, holding his father's gaze unflinchingly.

"You may have orchestrated this nightmare," he declared, his voice ringing with conviction. "But I absolutely refuse to let you control our destinies any longer. The truth about your crimes will be brought to light and justice will prevail. Even if I have to tear down every last thing you've built with my own hands."

The weight of Abeer's words seemed to hang heavily in the air as he stared his father down. He knew in that moment that the battle for his family's redemption, for their very souls, had only just begun.

As the harsh truth about his parents slowly sank in, a whirlwind of turbulent emotions engulfed Abeer. Searing anger, profound sadness, a soul-deep sense of betrayal it was a volatile, dizzying mix. The realization that he had been nothing more than a pawn in his own parents' twisted game left his world shattered.

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