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3rd pov:

"That should do it,"Dazai remarked with absolute contentment as he gracefully made his way to the far end of the long rectangular dining table, adorned extravagantly with an assortment of party foods meticulously arranged on the dark tablecloth.

With a single plate cradled in his left hand, the brunette's strides carried him past the buffet, beneath a massive bouquet of celebratory balloons tethered together by colorful streamers that floated above his head.

"I can't wait. Imagine how happy that brat's going to be when he finds out he's getting such a grand party in honor of his newfound freedom."

Humming audibly, Dazai carefully placed the small dish onto the table, his lips curling upward briefly into a genuine smile. "Here's the cake, as promised, N/n-chan."

The sight of the cake sparked genuine excitement in the albino; her blue eyes shimmered with delight as the cake settled in front of her.

"Dazai-kun," Randou's voice redirected the brunette's attention to him, even as Y/n indulged in the sweet dessert with her fork.

"You said you found out who's behind Arahabaki. Is that true? Or did you lie to torment Chuuya-kun?"

"Both, of course. I said that in front of him so he'd take on the bet, but it's also true that I know who's behind it."

"Oh?" Randou straightened in his chair, piqued by Dazai's assertions. "And who might that be?"

"You, Randou-san." Randou met the bandaged boy's gaze evenly, trying not to betray any hint of surprise, while Y/n raised an intrigued eyebrow, curious about the unfolding conversation. "You impersonated the former boss and spread rumors about Arahabaki. Do you have anything to say?"

"What's your reasoning?"

"You've made a mistake. A very basic mistake."

"And what mistake is that?"

"The sea." Dazai's stare turned icy as he locked eyes with the sub-executive, a gaze that could freeze the fiery depths of hell. "You mentioned this when discussing Arahabaki and the black flames..."

The brunette proceeded to recite Randou's words verbatim from memory, to which Randou confirmed, solidifying Dazai's assertion.

"I did say that. Because that's what I saw. What about it?"

"Are you sure you want me to spoil it for you?" Dazai looked over, his eye blinking in question.

"Tell me."

"It happened close to the center of Suribachi City, and Suribachi City is a hemispherical basin valley that was carved out by the explosion."

A broad grin creeps across Randou's pale features as he stands up from his seat, his interest spiking subtly as he strides towards the opposite end of the table where the brunette and the youngest Nakahara are seated.

"Interesting!" Randou remarks with a spark in his eyes.

"Exactly. You wouldn't have seen the sea there. Inside a colossal depression roughly two kilometers wide, the sea would never come into view, no matter how high your vantage point. So why did you claim to see it?" Dazai questions pointedly.

Randou lowers his head slightly, his hands resting firmly on the tablecloth's surface. "Your description of Arahabaki was convincing, almost as if it were true. How did you manage that? It's because you did indeed see the sea. That's where you slipped up. You could only have seen the sea from Suribachi City before its destruction. Before the massive explosion eight years ago at the conflict's end."

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