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3rd pov:

Evening came as the duo waited for Jones. After waiting they heard a few screams from the lady soon after they saw Jones come out of the house. They tiptoed up on him as he turned around behaving a bit oddly more like a mummy.

"Kill...." He muttered as he made his way toward them

"Huh? What's going on?" Dazai uttered

"Who cares? I mean our job is to capture him, and I want to see what happens when wasabi is in his nostrils," Y/n said as they looked at each other

"Why wasabi?" Dazai asked her dumbfounded

"Cause it's spicy"

They saw Jones coming towards him as walked out and Y/n took out her claws. Y/n saw a pin at the neck of Jones, making her eyes widen as she tried to /pay no mind to it. They held their guard up as they felt a presence behind them.

A sound of clapping came from behind as they looked toward it.

Y/n's eyes widen at the sight she was terrified as cold sweat slid down from her forehead. Dazai raised his eyebrow at the sight, wondering what could happen.

"It's been a long time, Y/n (I don't want to use N/n-chan that Dazai calls Y/n because it's like their special thing so you can either use your name or a different nickname but I will refer to it as Y/n.)." The voice greeted shocked the albino to no end.

"Brother...Illumi..." Y/n said which sounded almost like a whisper.

A man with an expressionless face was standing in front of her. He had very long, jet black hair, with a piece of hair not put back, combed behind his head as well as large, black, pupil-less eyes.

"Hey." He said

'Y/n's brother?' Dazai thought as he was busy dodging Jones' attacks behind the siblings

"I heard that you cut up Mom and Milluki."

"I guess."

"Mom was crying. She was so happy to see that you'd grown up. But she was worried about you leaving home. So she asked me to check up on you. What a coincidence. I didn't know you wanted to be a bounty hunter. I was killing Jones for my job. But you seem to be wanting to capture him. Right?"

"I don't want to be a bounty hunter. I just felt like taking a challenge since I was bored." Y/n responded stiffly as she was starting to get more and more nervous.

Dazai observed her confident and devilish self chipped away piece by piece as she continued to talk.

"I see," Illumi muttered as a heavy aura started to form around him

"That's a relief. Then I have some advice for you. You're not cut out for this freedom." Illumi said as Y/n gasped at the terrifying aura.

"You were born to be...a killer. You're a puppet of darkness, without passion. You don't want anything or wish for anything. As one who lives in the shadows, you can only feel pleasure when people die." Illumi said as Y/n remembered all the times she has killed people with Dazai but those moments didn't matter as long as she was having fun with him. But those moments were all replaced when she and Dazai laughed and enjoyed back in the hotel living their lives with not a single worry of being captured.

"That's how Dad and I raised you. What would you accomplish by completing this bounty? Other than Money."

"True, I don't desire to be a bounty hunter or anything for that matter. But...I do have something I want..." Y/n said as sweat started to flow down her skin slowly dripping on the floor.

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