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3rd pov:

[trigger warning ahead]

Y/n stumbled on the staircase as she made her way to their makeshift living space in the illegal dumping site. It was Dazai's idea to stay there, hidden in plain sight amidst toxic surroundings no one would suspect.

Opening the door to their container, she clicked on the dim light bulb and spat blood into the sink, wincing as she sat down with her back against the wall. She scoffed at the thought of her supposedly shallow wound, opening her shirt to inspect the gash on her stomach.

"Shallow, my ass," she muttered to herself, scrolling through her phone. She had escaped the toxicity of her family's relationships, finding solace and trust in Dazai's friendship. Back her home it felt suffocating but with him, his friendship felt free, warm, safe. it felt like a perfect spring day in a field full of flowers, a soft breeze in the wind.

Tears welled up in her eyes, trickling down her cheeks as her thoughts spiraled downward. Unconsciously, she started picking at her nail fold, a nervous habit surfacing in her distress.

The door swung open, revealing Dazai with a look of shock and concern in his messy hair and wide eyes.

"What the fuck happened to you?" His concern was evident as he quickly sat down next to her, retrieving his first aid kit and bandages.

"Just training, and I might have pissed off that old hag a bit. It's nothing," Y/n chuckled weakly, wincing when she sat up and felt the wound on her stomach protest.

Dazai helped her up gently, his worry deepening as he assessed her injuries.

"Normal?! You have more wounds than usual, and it's not okay. Even Mori didn't treat them this time," Dazai expressed his dissatisfaction with the situation.

"Well, he gives me the creeps, so I took care of it myself," Y/n replied casually, falling silent as Dazai sighed.

"Can I take this off?" Dazai asked softly, motioning to her shirt. Y/n nodded, allowing him to carefully remove it, revealing the sword cuts on her side and arms.

"Looks worse than you let on," Dazai remarked with a snicker, though concern lingered in his eyes.

"Big sister said they were shallow," Y/n laughed weakly, feeling the exhaustion weigh heavily on her mind and body. She spoke without thinking, her words tinged with exhaustion, "No gonna tell me 'What a lovely way to die' or 'I think they would kill me'?"

Dazai chuckled softly, focusing on cleaning her wounds. "You're about to pass out, and you're still bickering with me."

"To be fair, it's always you starting it," Y/n retorted with a chuckle, wincing as he tended to her injuries. Dazai mumbled a small apology before continuing, his concern evident in his gentle touch.

Y/n weren't completely wrong, Dazai always loved seeing her riled up. He loved when she would scold him for committing suicide. he loved when she cared for him.

"yeah, yeah, you're always saying that" he smiles, finishing up whatever he could on her sides and arms before moving to the cuts on her face.

The albino was still as he gently dabbed the wipes on her face, the slight stinging feeling was the last thing on her mind. his cold hands on her warm cheeks was turning her brain into a mush.

The thoughts from the training were draining her mind out, she had been under severe training ever since she was two but this time was different, the weight of it all pressing down on her like a suffocating blanket.

Dazai, ever perceptive, noted the change in the albino's demeanor. Both of them were never good at talking about their feeling, they both are used to bottling them up but there was just mutual understanding that both of them knew what the other one was thinking.

He cupped her cheeks, his presence a comforting presence amidst the growing turmoil within her. "Something on your mind, N/n-chan?" he asked softly, his gaze searching hers for answers.

She could feel her pulse going rapid starting at the tips of her fingers, a numbing sensation that would soon spread across her skin, goosebumps rising along her pale skin. Every breath she took began to shallow into sharp, and desperate, gasps for air as her lungs threatened to collapse as her mind and heart raced against time— time that never stopped, that kept ticking away.

The sound of the clock hand twitching over the numbers echoed in the corners of her skull, her eyes widening. The voices of Mori, Illumi, her family echoed in her mind telling her how useless she really was, it plagued her mind. She felt like she was going crazy.

Y/n hesitated, her thoughts racing in a jumble of confusion and fear. Her pupils were dilating as her palms started to get sweaty. She had never experienced anything like this before, this overwhelming sense of dread clawing at the edges of her consciousness. "I-I don't know," she finally managed to whisper, her voice barely audible even to her own ears.

Dazai noticed her discomfort as when she tried to stand up as she felt immense heartbeat as she could hear it in her ears. He help her as they sat on the bed. 

"W-What's going on? Is it the heart? the brain?" Y/n stuttered as Dazai wrapped her arms around her. He diagnosed that she was having a severe anxiety attack. 

"No, no, shh, calm down," Dazai murmured soothingly, wrapping his arms around her as she clung to him tightly, seeking solace in his presence.

He rocked her gently, whispering words of comfort as she cried, her grip on his vest unyielding. Dazai rubbed her back in soothing circles, his only goal to be there for her in that moment of vulnerability.

"Focus on your breathing, love. Breathe in with me," Dazai encouraged softly, guiding her through deep breaths as he held her close, her head resting against his chest, finding solace in the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.

After a while she had calmed down as Dazai wiped her sweaty forehead from the cuffs of his shirt as she looked up, "What was that?" 

Dazai gently pushed aside Y/n's sweaty bangs with his hands, his expression calm and reassuring as he addressed her condition. "I say that you had a severe anxiety attack."

"Me?" Y/n responded in disbelief, her tired face showing traces of the stress she was under. Dazai sighed softly, trying to lighten her mood despite the situation.

"You want to go to the arcade?" Dazai suggested, knowing that it was one of Y/n's favorite places to unwind. She nodded eagerly in response, but instead of getting up immediately, she remained seated, prompting another sigh from Dazai.

"Come on," Dazai said as he crouched down, offering her a piggyback ride. Y/n's face lit up with a grateful smile as she jumped onto his back, her arms instinctively wrapping around his neck.

"You're the best!" Y/n exclaimed with genuine appreciation as Dazai stood up with her on his back.

"I know, I know," Dazai chuckled softly, his voice warm and comforting as they made their way out of the room.

"You're going to break my back someday," Dazai teased playfully as they walked.

"Oh, you want it like that, huh?" Y/n replied teasingly.

"I'm going to drop you."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

(2030 words)

Hope you enjoyed this chapter...

Till we meet again...



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