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3rd pov:

"We come to the conclusion that they're an organization Gifted members overseas" Dazai stated as Y/n continued.

"They were chased by a British group called by The Order of the Clock Tower, which prompted them to make their escape from Europe to Japan" Y/n and Dazai had been up all night researching about the group Mimic as they now inform the red head.

"Why would a group like that called have gone the trouble to come all the way here?" Odasaku asks.

"It does seem a bit out of their way..." Dazai trailed off as he cross his arms.

"Perhaps there was something waiting for them here" The albino suggested.

"I suppose that's possible, but there's one thing that had been bugging me" The redhead spoke

Y/n turn to face him as she tilted her head "You mean how skilled the soldiers were right?" She said as Y/n receive a nod from the redhead


"There all veterans, according to our information. The head of that Organization uses a powerful gift in order to make them all act as one" Dazai said.

"So that's how he commands them" Odasaku said as he then glances at them.

"Is the boss already aware of this information?"

"Y/n gave him our report, he ask us to develop anti Mimic strategy and see to it that that it was implemented" Dazai replies.

Dazai prop his arms on the table as he smiled darkly "And I've already set a variety of traps"

"This might be a stupid question...but considering the group were dealing with wouldn't this be a better of the government?" Odasaku stated

"You're referring to the Ministry of Home Affairs Supernatural Special Operation Divisions. The Gifted operation division doesn't technically exist, they rarely get involved" Y/n said Odasaku then turns to the two of them 

"And what about Ango?"

"It's fairly certain that he was responsible for leaking the passcode for the storage unit" Dazai stated as Y/n gave a light nod of her head to agree with him.

Y/n's mind was running and even though she seem calm and compose and carefree, the gears in her head were turning widely. 

Did he really betray us? The thought of this made her frown deeply. 

"Everything does seem to line up if you are to believe that" Dazai said 

It was then did silence envelope the three of them, no one saying a word. Y/n then felt her pocket vibrating as her phone started ringing as it was accompanied by Dazai's phone. Y/n pull out her phone and answer it as Dazai does the same and Odasaku looks at them. 

"It's me..." Y/n answered as she ended the call

"You have got a mission Madam" The one from the phone spoke up

"Alright send me the details" The albino replied  

On the other hand with Dazai it spoke "We've got them sir

"Good" Dazai replied as he ended the call and let out a breathy laugh making his best friend and Odasaku raise an eye brow or look at him in confusion.

Dazai face the both of them as a dark and scary look settled on his face as he smirk.

"Seems like a little mouse sprung up to one of our traps"

It was then did Y/n and Dazai separated from Odasaku and headed to the dungeon where the hostages were being held.

But as they walk away the inkling feeling of dread was on Y/n's chest.

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