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3rd pov:

"Sorry for the short notice" Kunikida said as the four of them were back inside the taxi and the driver from last night. The taxi was parked in a warehouse near the harbor. Kunikida was sat in the passenger seat once again while Y/n sat squish in between Dazai and Atsushi.

"So you mentioned that you've figured out who's behind the serial murder case, I imagined that you are on your way to arrest the killer?" The driver asks.

"That's right" Kunikida answered.

"Then we should probably hurry, so what's our destination?" The driver asks as Kunikida looks at him.

"Right here" 

The driver looks at him in confusion as Kunikida continued to talk.

"The abductions happened here, you're the kidnapper. You subdued passengers with sleeping gas and abducted them when they fell unconscious. You wear a gas mask to escape the effects."

"Why would he go through all that trouble?" Atsushi asked

"We can think of one reason" Y/n and Dazai spoke as Atsushi turn to both of you.


"What do you guys mean?" The tiger shifter asks still a bit confuse.

"He'd sell the body for their parts. There's quite a large Black Market for organs if you know where to look" Y/n explains to him as Dazai leaned forward and spoke right behind the driver's ear.

"The cut may not be an ideal because of the various ergonomic factor involved but if your flying solo then the pay is not bad~"

"That's horrible!" Atsushi said as you smiled and look over at her.

"It is isn't?"

"Hang on that's impossible! If I'd kidnapped people in this taxi then I would've been found out when the police traced their last known whereabouts" The driver said.

"Actually the police didn't even give this taxi a second look. Why would they? All the victims have vanished and subsequently, each one became untraceable each following day. After the targets got in your taxi and were sedated you proceeded to strip their clothes and their belongings. That's why most of the victims in the hospital were in their undergarments. You would then wear their clothes in other to disguise yourself like them, and impersonate them by checking in their hotels and made sure to show up in security cam for that reason." Kunikida explains.

"Miss Sasaki's abduction was even easier, wasn't it? After she collapsed at the train station a good bystander passing by paid for her cab ride to the hospital. It's faster than calling an ambulance at the train station isn't it?" Y/n said.

"That's all just circumstantial evidence." The Driver said.

Dazai let out a yawn and lean his back on the seat as he spoke up "I suppose~"

"Guess we got nothing" Y/n sighs.

"What's your move now Four eyes?" She asked looking at the front where. the blonde sat.

"Come on are you two being serious right now?" Kunikida asks but got caught off by the driver.

"How about we all make a deal?"

"What do you mean?" Kunikida asks as he narrows his eyes at him.

"If you agree to my conditions, I'll turn myself in! All I need is the assurance of the Armed Detective Agency! You have to keep me safe until the prosecution concludes their questioning and arrange as witness protection for me!" The driver said obviously panicking.

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