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3rd pov:

"What were you thinking? Y/n was finally home!" Kikyo confronted Silva.

"For now, we'll let her do what she wants."

"Now! What are you saying? This is a critical juncture in the process of determining if she's qualified to lead the family!"

"So you understand what's at stake. Then stop griping, and keep your mouth shut! She'll come home one day. Because she is my daughter."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Y/n was set free. But Silva declared that she will return as an assassin. She went to the butler's office. Meanwhile, Dazai and Canary were at the butler's office.

"How much longer do we have to walk~" Dazai whined

"You have zero stamina," Canary sighed making Dazai act offended as he dramatically whined

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

With Y/n's mother, she was now talking to a butler as she said

"Y/n was finally home! But the men allowed him to leave again! And Father is just as guilty! He released Y/n without permission! This always happens! They never ask me before they act. Do you understand Gotoh?"

"Yes, mam."

"Th-This is the most critical time for Y/n...She will be leading this family...Why don't they understand? She's the one child I shall not give up!" Her mother cried

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Y/n-sama, we've been waiting for you."

"Gotoh, Where's Osamu now? You do know right?" Y/n asked him excitedly

"Dazai-sama is being brought here by Canary."

"Really?!" Y/n asked super excited she will go with Dazai now.

"They should arrive shortly, so please wait inside." He said as Y/n entered inside


"Yes mam"

"Let me know the second Osamu arrives."

"Yes, mam."

"I shall notify you immediately." He said as he saw the albino walk off with the other butler.

'Forgive me, Y/n-sama.'

After some time Dazai entered the butler's quarters and his wounds were treated by the butlers there as Gotoh said

"The lady of the house has asked us to treat you as official guests."

"Then this is not the primary residence?" Dazai asked

"No, this place is for the butlers," Canary answered

"Well, please make yourselves at home," Gotoh said

"I appreciate the hospitality but I've come to see Y/n. Can you take me to her at once?"

"That won't be necessary. Y/n-sama is on her way here." The butler replied as Dazai sighed

'Lair, Well what can I do~ Let's deal with it~ I'm too tired nowww~' he thought as Gotoh suggested playing a game, it would be dull just waiting for the albino. They play a game of coin guessing where they will need to guess which hand is Gotoh holding the coin.

After some rounds, he gives some rules that if he guessed the wrong answer, he will be out of the game. He also states that Dazai only has three seconds to answer. If he exceeds more than the time allotted, then they will kill Canary and if he fails, he will never see Y/n again.

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