Chpater 13: OPS Glenn Part 1

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Ozpin is now sitting in his table with Glynda and Ironwood.

Ozpin is now sitting in his table with Glynda and Ironwood

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"They were here....OZPIN THEY WERE HERE!" Ironwood exclaimed.

"Yes James,we are very aware of that!" Glynda replies.

"So you are? And how long do you think you can stay like that before they strike us? We need to act now!" Ironwood says.

"THE BOTH OF YOU THAT'S ENOUGH!" Ozpin exclaims with both hands on yhje table.

Just then the elevator is notification is heard and the trio looked to the direction of the elevator door.

"Come in." Ozpin gestures as he presses a button allowing two people entering his office.

They were Kamarul abd Ruby.

"Sorry we're late,I was trying to catch up to Kamarul using my semblance but accidentaly knocked him down causing all the buttons to be pressed." Ruby told them.

"Yes Ruby,please never do that again." Kamarul said holding an ice bag over his head.

"Nevermind that Ruby,I would like to introduce you to this fine gentlemen here.He is General Ironwood of the Atlas military." Ozpin tells them both.

Kamarul already knew this but kept his cover.

"Hello General."The both of them greeted.

"Hello there.Now Ruby,I know you sound like you did something wrong last night but let me tell you this,both of you did exactly what a Huntsmen and Huntress would do.You analysed a threat and acted accordingly to what you were suppose to do.For that,I appreciate it." Ironwood compliments the both of them.

"Now that's something you don't see everyday." Glynda whispers to Ozpin.

"Indeed." Ozpin replies with a slight chuckle.

"Now Ruby,about the intruder last night.Did you recocnise her or does she look anything familiar?" Glynda asked.

"No she doesn't.She did had the ability to shoot glass projectiles but I don't think that's her Semblance." Ruby replies.

"And why is that?" asked Ozpin.

"Because when she attacked us her clothes changed color to the dust she used." Ruby explained.

"Embeding dust to clothing is an ancient technique.Anyone could've been that intruder." Ironwood stated.

"Did she say anything when you two entered?" Glynda asked.

(WILL BE RARELY UPDATED)The Boys on Remnant (Malaysian Army OCs X RWBY)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu