Chapter 6: Secrets Within

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2 Days After the Beacon Eid Festival

Team KWYK and RWBY were walking around Vale city

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Team KWYK and RWBY were walking around Vale city.They have walked around it before but they wanted to explore more.Plus,team KWYK promised to go with RWBY to look at the preparations for the Vytal Festival.They walked to a street where they saw old man shopkeeper hanging up a banner that wrote "Welcome to Vale!".Yang was walking next to Joshua and the rest infront of them.

"The Vytal Festival,oh this is absolutely wonderful!" Wiess exclaimed.

"Wow,I've never seen you this excited Wiess.It's creeping me out a bit." Ruby said with a hint of concern.

" kinda feels un-Hieressly of you." Kamarul added.

"How could all of you not be excited?A festival wich is dedicated to the cultures of the world!There will be dances,parades and tournaments!The amount of planning and organizing the event itself is breath taking!" she said to the teams.

"You really know how to take a good thing and make it sound boring." Yang replied.

"Be quite you!" Wiess replied in displeasure.

"Hey,on the bright side our teams are gonna be participating in the tournaments."Joshua said.

"And you know how to fix them.That's why I love you."Yang replied giving a tight hug to him.

"Do we really have to go to the port though,it stinks." Ruby complained.

"Of course it stinks,it's a port.And when there's a port,there's fish."Kamarul said.

"That was a retorical question." She replied.

Jaafar on the other hand noticed Blakes' bow was twitching.

"Man...what was in that Sambal I had?" He muttered to himself.

"Well I heard that students from Vacuo will be arriving by sea to participate in the tournament.As a Hieress and also participant of the Vytal Festival,it'll be my honor to greet them to the kingdom."Wiess said proudly.

"She wants to spy on them so we can have an advantage." Blake said.

"No I'm not!" Wiess exclaimed.

They continued their walk as Wiess still tried to convincs Blake she wasn't trying to spy on the Vacuo students.Ruby was minding her own buisness when she looked to her side to see the From Dust Till Dawn shop in a wreck.

"Again? I thought we already shooed them crooks!"Jaafar exclaimed.

"C'mon lets go take a look." Kamarul said as they all made their way to the shop.

"Whoa,what happened here?" Ruby asked while glancing at the wrecked shop.

"Whoa,what happened here?" Ruby asked while glancing at the wrecked shop

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