Chapter 7:Secrets Revealed

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Author's Note:So sorry for the late update.I've got school and all and updating has been a bit hard.

*3 hours later at The Vale Genral Hospital*

Kulau,Jaafar and the rest of team RWBY were now in the emergency room

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Kulau,Jaafar and the rest of team RWBY were now in the emergency room.They watched Joshua who had his stomach wrapped around and Kamarul who was still unconscious.

The doctor had told them of Joshua's condition.He had been shot by three energy dust bullets to the abdomen and is badly injured.It would take a month or two for him to recover his trauma even with Kulau's help.Him having no aura just makes it not helping as it sounds.

Kamarul was said to have overuse his aura by what and franticly passed out but he should've been awake by now.Yang was focusing more on Joshua,she looked very sad seeing her boyfriend in this condition.

"You two looked like you were close.Mind telling why?By what me and Kulau over here know,you two just met on the first day." Jaafar tried to change her mood.

Yang finaly broke her silence as she spoke up."Well...since you asked.We've actually met outside of Beacon before the day we went there.It was roughly five days before the airship ride."

"Wait so you've known each other that long already?" asked a suprised Wiess.

"I had a feeling about it actually.He was always coming back late at the inn we were staying in (No pun intended) and would always say he was just scouting the area around us.He was our team sniper and we didn't thought he was doing anything else.So where did you guys met?" said Kulau.

"Well belive it or not it was at a local pub called Junior's." Yang said.

"Aren't you a bit to young to go to a pub."Jaafar asked.

"Isn't your friend over there also underage?" Wiess asked back.

"Point taken."Jaafar replied.

"Yang,what's a pub?" Ruby asked.

"We'll get back to that later Ruby."She replied before continuing

"Like I've said I met him at Junior's and it went a little bit like this:

*Flashback to five days before boarding the airship to Beacon*

Joshua walked inside the pub and saw the scene.There were people dancing,drinking,talking all the things a pub can have.

"So this is what a pub looks like in front." he said.

He knew by age (In Malaysia and Remnant) he wasn't actualy allowed there but slipping through the gaurds were never a hard job for him in the first place.

He knew by age (In Malaysia and Remnant) he wasn't actualy allowed there but slipping through the gaurds were never a hard job for him in the first place

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