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"Miss (Y/N)? You seem distracted." The young, blonde royalty inquired as you two walked down the boudoir hall. You, admittedly, were distracted. Your mind had not stopped working itself around the sudden connection of the voice in your head, and a man you saw eerily from a distance at Queen Tammara's funeral. The sides of your skull throbbed from it all.

Distracted, or finally, TRULY focused? The voice kicked in, almost as if it had been waiting and listening for its queue to enter the stage and perform its evident deceitful suggestions.

"My sincerest apologies, Prince Laelius. I suppose there's just a lot on my mind right now..." In shame, you kept your eyes locked to the swirling, hypnotic pattern in the carpet below your feet, worried he might look into them and see your hidden troubles. What if he thought you insane?

"Oh, well it's quite alright. No need to apologize, of course. Would you be alright if we schedule our book reading for another time, then? I do greatly look forward to it."

Your eyes snapped back to him, and your brow jumped up in confusion. "I must apologize again, my Prince- Our book reading?"

Laelius appeared equally perplexed, his eyes wide with expression, and a tinge of a smile threatening to spread at the corners of his mouth. "Well, I believe I had asked you earlier if you wanted to read Romeo and Juliet together in my room- It's the reason we're heading this way right now. Do you truly not remember?" After a second, the golden haired boy threw his hands to his mouth, and gave a hearty laugh. A familiar warmth rose to your cheeks in embarrassment, as you were still confused, although you prayed with every fiber of your being that he wouldn't look to you and notice. Eventually, his hand turned to a fist and he cleared his throat with a smile. His eyes greeted yours then, a dusty pink appearing upon his cheeks as well. "You must REALLY be distracted."

As hard as you tried, no words found themselves upon your tongue. You searched the far reaches of your brain, but all of them skittered away from your reach like bugs under a rock, exposed to sunlight for the first time ever after a curious toddler comes along and pockets their home. In desperation, you feebly attempted to throw a convincing smile and nod his way, struggling to make your face as casual as possible. The tension, however, made you swallow hard.

"(Y/N), are you alright? What's the matter?"

How can he always tell when you're going mad? The voice questioned with a mocking, unforgiving tone. Perhaps you're just not as sneaky and sly as you think you are.

Laelius doesn't miss a beat to swoon to you, swiftly throwing an arm over your shoulders and holdin your right hand with his free one. As quick as it had left before, the flush on your face came back, and your stomach felt as if it had claws- and it was using them to crawl its way up and out of your body.

"Prince Laelius, I-" You began.

"Please, (Y/N), I'm going to request you don't fight me on this. I know you usually like to be very independent with your troubles, but I can see the fear in your eyes now. Something is wrong." He was bent slightly at his waist, making an effort to stay at your shorter level as he guided you forward down the corridor. "You need to feel comfortable and safe for this. Can I take you to your room, or would you perhaps feel better in my room again?" His voice became timid.

Or perhaps, just maybe...

Unease began to penetrate your skin as you thought about the night in his room once again. How could you have done something so informal? Now you were cursed to be embarrassed around Laelius for the rest of your foreseeable life. Especially because, although you would never dare admit it, your body surged with longing to accept his offer. Your brain, however, held onto the shame and dangled it in front of you, guiding your decisions with it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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